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Haruhi yawned, ruffling her hair with a lazy hand and rubbing her eyes. 
It was late, and the Ouran schedule for every student was the same- Exams, exams, exams. This obviously left every student exhausted, but yet not exhausted enough to stop the Host Club from their usual antics. 
In fact, Kyouya argued with the rest of the members that with the extended stress levels, they may even get more customers desperate for a break with their favourite boys. 
Of course, this meant that no matter the counterpoints, this would be the right of way. 
Though in honestly, Kyouya allowed for another 'vacation'- just the club, this time- to his family's private beach resort. 
(Only because there were additions placed in around the resort that needed a beta test.)

This left the club members to play around again, limiting the shellfish this time, to spend some time away from the academic issues at hand. 

Slightly inconvenience.

Due to the extras being dotted around the place, including some bathrooms being added to existing rooms, or general refurbishments to add to the luxury, some of the rooms that were once available, no longer were.
This meant the members had to share rooms.
This was fine, for the majority- the twins happily bunked up together, and Honey and Mori trotted off too.
Ootori being Ootori insisted on having his own room to himself.
This was fair. 

Obviously, two remained.
Tamaki and Haruhi were left in the dining hall, mouths open to contest, too late to with everyone else running off on their own anyway.
The pair glanced at each other, before Haruhi sighed and Tamaki grew a fluorescent pinkish red colour.

''Any funny business and I'm sleeping outside.'' 

She grabbed the key and made her way up the stairs to the room, a meek Tamaki crawling up behind her.

Upon arrival, Haruhi fairly neatly unpacked her clothes onto the side table, yawning and sitting on the edge of the bed and fiddling with her phone.
Tamaki cautiously followed, placing his stuff not so neatly on the other side. 

''I guess I'll brush my teeth and stuff first..?'' He glanced over at her.

''Yeah,  sure. I don't really mind.'' She shrugged.

Suoh scurried over to the en-suite, cleaning himself up and getting ready for bed. 
He was beyond ecstatic to share a bedroom with Haruhi of all people, but he was nervous as hell. 
The one thing he most definitely did not want to do is mess it up, and make her hate him any more than she already did. In an attempt to do so, he decided to limit his 'charm' and just try to be as normal and calm as possible. 

After slipping into his blue pyjama bottoms and white vest, he peeked out the door of the toilet and slowly walked over to the double bed, sitting on the other end. 

''You don't want me to sleep on the sofa, do you..? B-Because I completely understand if--''

''Nah, don't worry about it, senpai. I'm not really bothered by it, it's just for sleeping anyway.''

Haruhi got up, stretching as she did so and disappearing into the bathroom to change.


As it got later, and Tamaki was under the covers in bed, wiping his bleary eyes and yawning, Haruhi emerged once more in a long pink nightgown, humming to herself and slipping into the other side of the bed.
Tamaki resisted the urge to squeal externally.

The two smiled at each other politely, wishing each other good night and laying down - opposite from each other.  

A few minutes after, Haruhi drifted to sleep. 
However, Tamaki did not. 

Tamaki lay awake, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling, a hand on his chest. 
Just thinking. 
He was concerned about his studies, even though he knew it'd be fine. 
There was a constant underlying feeling of something being of concern. 
He let his hands reach his eyes, rubbing them and sighing shakily.

''Hey, senpai..? You not asleep..?'' 
Haruhi turned over and looked up at the blonde.
Tamaki blinked down at her, before smiling sweetly and shaking his head.

''Y-Yeah, sorry... Just sorta, elsewhere, is all. Don't worry about it.'' 

Haruhi furrowed her eyebrows and shuffled to sit upwards, looking at him properly.

''Hey, no what's up? It's not like you to be distracted by things...''

Tamaki shrugged, rubbing his chin.

''Just exam stress. Really, no need to worry.''

Haruhi smiled, giggling even.

''Huh..? What's so funny..?''

''Just'' she covered her mouth ''Someone like you? Getting stressed? Over exams of all things?''

He looked down, distant. 

''Yeah, how silly of me.''

Haruhi stopped, looking at him again, shuffling closer and laying a hand on his arm gently.

''Hey, no...
It's okay. It's perfectly fine, it's good to have some stress to push you along. Besides, they are important. Just shows you care about yourself, it's a good thing. 
You know all of us are here if you need it. I can help you study if you want. You'll be absolutely okay, you're practically top of the class anyway.'' 

Tamaki smiled weakly back at her, feeling instantly warmer and safer from her touch alone. 

''Thanks, Haruhi. I really appreciate it.'' 

She nodded and rested back into the pillow, pondering for a minute before deciding and holding his hand carefully.
Suoh went bright red again, stammering for a response to her bright smile.

''Hey, it's just for reassurance.''

She leant over, quickly pecking his cheek with a kiss.

''That's for luck. 
Go to sleep, Tamaki. I'm here if you need me, like always.'' 

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