Chapter 12 - The End

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Liam's POV

It's time. Niall and I are finally getting married. We wanted to get married sooner than expected because of the baby.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked me.

I nodded. Niall and I decided that we wanted a double wedding. Louis and Harry are getting married in the same ceremony as me and Ni.

Harry and I walk down the aisle at the same time. I can't wait to see Niall walk down here.

As the music starts playing I find myself getting scared. What if he decided I am not good enough? What if he wants someone else that is worthy of him?

All these questions run through my head till I see them walking down the aisle. They both decided to wear matching wedding dresses. They look gorgeous.

Harry and me take Louis and Niall's hands and stand in front of them.

The minister starts the wedding then it's time for our vows. We decided to go in age order from oldest to youngest (Louis, me, Niall, Harry.)

"I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love. I promise to encourage you, inspire you, and to love you truly through good times and bad. I will forever be there to laugh with you to lift you up when you are down and to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together", Louis vowed.

Then it was my turn.

"I love you means that I accept you for the person that you are and that I do not wish to change you into someone else. It means that I do not expect perfection from you – just as you do not expect it from me. It means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times. It means loving you when you're in a bad mood or too tired to do things I want to do. It means loving you when you are down – not just when you are fun to be with. 'I love you' means that I know youre deepest secrets and do not judge you for them – asking in return only that you do not judge me for mine. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love enough not to let go. It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly, and hoping that you feel the same way for me", I pledged my heart to him.


"I choose you... To be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting who you will become. I will resepct and honor you. Always and forever... I take you to be my husband. To have and to hold... in tears and in laughter. In sickness and health. To love and to cherish from this day forward... In this world and to the next", By the end of Niall's vow all four of us were crying. None of us can believe we are finally here... getting married.
Finally it was time for Harry.

"I promise to love you without condition, Louis. To honor you each and every day. To laugh with you when you're happy. To support you when you're sad. To guide you when you ask for direction. To challenge you to be a better person, and allow you to do the same for me. To be your biggest dan and your ever present listening audience", Harry said.

And it was finally time...

"Do you Liam take Niall to be your husband?" The minister asked.

"I do", I chuckled, letting all my tears fall.

"Do you Niall take-", Niall interrupted him.

"I do", he nodded quickly.

"Do you", Louis and Harry cut him off.

"I do", The said at the same time.

The minister rolled his eyes and said, "You may kiss your groom."

He walked off the alter and left. We didn't care. We are married now. That is all I have ever wanted. 

I am so happy you guys enjoyed this story. 

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