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I woke up with my head pounding, I was hung over as fuck. I got up and looked around for amy but I couldn't find her, I was getting scared. I looked all over but I still didnt find her.

"amy" I called out, I didnt get a response, the dog was still asleep. I walked outside and I saw blood on the ground and went into rescue mode. I started running, following the blood trail my tears where falling on the blood and I just kept following. 

I got to a clearing in the trees and I saw her laying there, she was bloody and had a bite mark on her arm and side

"AMY!" I yelled and ran to her, I picked her up and cheaked her pulse, she was still alive. I took her to the house and called the cops.


"Vix what happened?!" my mom asked as she ran into the ER room

"amy got attacked by a wolf" I said watching amy sleep in the bed

"shes going to be fine, can I some alone time with her before we leave?" I ask my mom

"sure" she says and leaves. I kissed amy on her forehead

"Im so sorry, this is all my fault. we where in the woods in fall, it was too dangerous and I knew it. look amy, I love you" I said and got up 

"I love you too Vix" she said

then the line went flat 

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