Vampires Midnight Souls

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So I want to thank AnimeFreak2468 and Ali_0727 for nominating me to do this little challenge with some interesting rules

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So I want to thank AnimeFreak2468 and Ali_0727 for nominating me to do this little challenge with some interesting rules. You can see the rules at the very top .Thanks guys 😂😂😎

Here are 13 things about me☺

#1. One of my favorite things to do (when I get the chance to) is to watch anime. I'm currently finishing up on watching Noragami Aragoto (amazing so far by the way.)

#2. Another thing I enjoy doing on my free time is drawing amime. I'm kind of lazy so most of the time I don't finish drawing anything.

#3. Something about me might be that I'm a really shy person but if you get to know me I'm a really fun ,crazy person 😂, AnimeFreak2468, kawaii_dragneel_22,and
Ali_0727,know this, but we're all crazy together😆

#4. I'm going to highschool, I'm gonna be a freshman and I'm actually really nervous.

#5. Some of my favorite bands are Black Veil Brides, and Fall out boy, I also like Panic! at the disco.

#6. I enjoy learning, but sometimes I overwork at things and everything gets out of hand. AnimeFreak2468 and N4than15 know this the best (they even punished me for this ,they know what I'm talking about)😅

#7. At the moment I'm doing nothing only writing this 🐙with this emoji.🐙🐙🐙

#8. Favorite color is red reminds me of roses.

#9. I'm not a person to wear many bright color, I mostly wear black,white ,and red 😅.

#10. I'm 14 and my birthday is gonna be in about 5 months.

#11. I'm a person who mostly spends time alone but doesn't mind at all... Ik sad ,I have friends but yeah I'm mostly a loner.

#12. My favorite fruit would have to be kiwi jk I like green grapes ... Or maybe any type of fruit 😜

#13. I laugh alot like I mean ALOT jk... But yeah and It's really hard to make me mad like I just can't get mad, I know......another sad thing:)

Most of the people I was gonna nominate , were already nominated so I'll just choose Darkness_HunterEX, Harusawada, HeartStar532, neko-chan_the_killer, OlgaCuteGha, stoppedfornow, suhoismyeverything, asunabeast, Aye_Nalu

If you don't do this in about a week , you'll receive a punishment.

Anyways thx guys 👍:) :)

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