Chapter 1

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I'm in my best friends house, or well more like our house, considering i never leave.

I was down in the basement, frantically smashing buttons, eyes quickly going back and forth like a switch, focusing on the tv screen.

I quickly sit up and yell. "WHAT?! how? HOW? Joel you fucking dumb ass cunt, you were doing so fucking well, then you decide to NOT duck and hit them with your stupid PIPE?!"

I groan frustrated, as the "you died" screen pops up, i frown, hitting the button to bring me back to my last loaded point.

The loading point was awfully far from where I was at. I sigh and give up, turning the game off and stretching, with a very loud squealing noise.

My stretch was interrupted by Ellie's extremely loud footsteps coming down the stair case. I groan.

"Ellie could you like, not have such loud footsteps? Sound like a damn elephant herd." I say as I turn to look at her glaring face.

She was really pretty, olive skin, greenish blue eyes and her short brown hair, that sat at her shoulders and was all messed up, due to the fact she just woke up.

'Probably due to my yelling.'

She grumbles, "well could you like, not be so loud?" she mocks.

I roll my eyes. "Sorry, the controller was being stupid again." I say with a bored tone. 

She huffs and rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest and shifting her weight onto one leg.

"Whatever, did you look at the news? it seems a lot of shit is going down, it honestly looks like something you'd be interested in."

I raise my eyebrow at her. "Something I'd be interested in?" She nods and I grin. "Then lets watch some news, dumb hoe." I yell.

I quickly stand up and throw myself over the couch all professionally, I stumble, getting dizzy from standing up so fast.

When I regain my balance, I quickly follow her up the stairs. "Did you at least even listen to a few things they were saying?" Instead of a reply, she burps and shrugs.

I laugh. "Lovely." We reach the top of the stairs and go to our left, down the hallway.

As we near the living room, I could hear the TV and loud explosions going off.

"What the hell?" I ask before getting into the living room, throwing my self over the couch more carefully this time and plopping down, there was a news reporter talking frantically.

Ellie stood behind me, staring intensely at the screen.

"There is a extremely dangerous virus running through various area's of the world, so far it has only been reported in New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Virginia. Scientists and the government have no clue how this has happened, or when, and are currently trying to solve this epidemic. Please, stay in your homes and remain calm, until further notice, the military will soon be making safe havens if this catastrophe does not get sorted out fast."

Her attention is diverted to something behind the camera, her face goes pale and she gasps. She drops the mic, making the TV have a sharp noise go through.

I flinch, hearing the camera man scream, then the news reporter. The camera shakes violently before dropping to the ground.

The man screams again before it goes quite, you could hear soft scratching sounds and the squelching sound of something being torn.

The apocalypseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن