Part 2

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Sorry for the wait, guys! I was completely overwhelmed with school and the last chapter took everything out of me to write. Unfortunately, THIS IS NOT THE LAST PART. There will be one more part for this!! I have like three chapters tops left to write, but I didn't want to make you guys wait that long so I decided to post what I have and post a third part when I write the rest. SO THIS IS NOT THE LAST PART.


Amber my dear, you are my rock and the only reason I managed to finish the last chapter of part 2. I love you dearly! MJ rocks as well! I love NupurParikh!




Wesley stayed curled up in his bed even after Keaton pounded on his door telling him to get up, and even after his mother shouted at him to unlock the door. He ignored both of them in favour of crying into his pillow, hating himself and hating Drew and hating the world. His phone buzzed with texts throughout the day, but none of them were from Drew and he felt both disappointed and relieved. And then he hated himself even more for half hoping the blond would call him up and say something like "April Fools! I was just joking, lets hang out tonight."

But it never happened, and Wesley found himself sinking further and further into despair. He had turned his phone off during the morning because he'd managed to slip into a fitful sleep and the buzzing had woken him up. Sleep was his only friend right then, because it meant he didn't have to relive every single moment in Drew's presence, and he thankfully didn't dream.

When he woke up again in the late afternoon, he could hear Keaton downstairs and figured they'd given up on trying to get him out of his room. He needed to pee, so he quietly and carefully crept to the bathroom to relieve himself before going back into his room and locking the door. He lay back down on his bed but he couldn't fall back asleep and the pain and despair was starting to pull him down again.

He didn't understand how this could have happened to him, how Drew could have done this to him. Wesley had really believed the blond was in love with him, had been so infatuated that he'd missed the warning signs or dismissed them like they were nothing. He remembered the cold looks he'd sometimes catch in Drew's eyes when the blond thought he wasn't looking and shivered, now understanding what they meant. Drew had never loved him, Drew had just been using him. The thought made him want to throw up.

When the light slowly dimmed in his room, afternoon turning to evening, the pounding on his door resumed. Except this time it was a different voice shouting at him. "Open the fucking door, Wesley!" Kyle gave an exceptionally loud bang on the wood. "Unlock this door or I swear to God-!"

"Wesley," Kenny called. "Seriously, we're worried. Open up!"

The brunet was thankful that he'd never taught his two best friends how to unlock the door from the outside. It was a trick he'd learned years ago that he'd only ever shared with Drew and- nope. Not going there. Definitely not thinking about that.

Fresh tears squeezed their way out, and Wesley yanked the covers on his bed over his head again and ignored his friends, wanting to die. He just wanted this pain and hurt and betrayal to stop. Eventually Kenny and Kyle gave up, and Wesley fell asleep again.

He woke up in the middle of the night with his stomach growling painfully and with a headache that only came from sleeping too much. He pulled himself from his bed and

figured his mother and brother would be in bed and he'd be able to go into the kitchen without having to explain why he hadn't left his room for school.

Mean What You Say (Emblem3 Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora