Shadow sat on a bed, waiting for Sonic to finish doing whatever he was doing in another room. Sonic took an awfully long time, unfortunately, and Shadow had to wait in this blank room for his return.

Shadow sighed and looked around. Beside the bed was a table with pictures on it. One of them had Sonic and the boys, Sonic with Amy, and one with... Him and Shadow.

Shadow then started wondering why Sonic had that photo. In the background was a roller coaster. The picture must've took place in the carnival. Shadow smiled a bit.

Shadow looked across the room and saw a box that had a lid over it. Out of curiosity, he walked over to it and opened it a bit. Before he could actually see what was in it, Sonic walked into the room. Shadow let go of the lid and spun around.

"S-Sonic! I didn't see you coming!" Shadow smiled nervously.

Sonic walked over to Shadow and grabbed his hand, pushing aside Shadows curiosity for the box in the corner. "I have something to ask you."

Shadow looked into Sonic's eyes and nodded. Sonic smirked and grabbed Shadow's waist. "Be my sex toy~" Sonic whispered in his sexy voice.

Shadow gasped immediately and pushed him away, blushing. "W-WHAT?! N-No! I'm not gay!" Shadow gasped out.

He turned around to quickly leave before anything escalated into something too far, but Sonic sadly grabbed his waist and pulling him close to him.

Too close, that Shadow could feel his boner on his ass. "Oh, don't worry, I'll make you gay~" Sonic whispered in Shadow's ear.

Sonic bent Shadow's body and entered him without warning him. Shadow screamed in pain struggling to get free. Sonic held Shadow's hands so he can't go free. Sonic smirked as he pulled out of him and went back in him. He did it fast and hard, enjoying every second of it. Shadow felt tears in the corner of his eyes.

This was going on for 20 minutes straight. Sonic went faster and faster.

"I-Im COMING!!!" Sonic screamed and with his last thrust, he came . His semen filled up Shadow's ass.

Sonic let go of Shadow's body, making Shadow fall on the floor. Sonic smirked and chuckled. "You enjoyed that sexy?"
Shadow shivered.

He started to shake and crawled up into a cute ball. Sonic left the room, closing the door behind him and locking it. Shadow laid there the whole night, shaking and sobbing.

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