"Sometimes Love's Intoxicating" Part 2 (Sarah)

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“Toby!” He turned, his hardened eyes widening with surprise. “I’m sorry,” I said, once I was beside him. “I know I probably pushed it too far. I should have known better than to intrude on your private thoughts." He said nothing, but to my surprise, his eyes filled with tears. “Toby?”

“Stop bleating my name like that!” He growled, pushing past me. Then, he broke down. Angry tears fell hot and fast, soaking his face. He ducked past me into the safety of the classroom. I followed him in, closing the door with a sharp snap. Toby was slouched over the front desk, wiping his tears on the sleeve of his blazer.

“I’m sorry, miss,” he mumbled.

“Toby…” I sighed, reaching for the emergency box of tissues I kept in my cupboard. “Look, it’s okay to get upset. It happens to everyone.” I passed him a handful of tissues.

“No,” he replied after a moment. “It’s not okay when your mum constantly has to be supervised taking her bipolar medication, when your sister is too busy with her boyfriends to take any notice of her schoolwork, when you have to paint on a mask every day to show people that you’re not upset.” His voice cracked on the last word. “And now, I’ve just made a fool out of myself in front of possibly the fittest teacher in the school.”

I felt an odd twist where my heart used to be. 

“Toby…” There was an awkward silence, and my professionalism hung by a thread. One wrong move, and it would snap. I couldn't help it. I approached him carefully, cupped my fingers under his chin. As he looked up, his hair slid across his forehead. “You are amazing,” I said softly. “I’ve never met someone quite like you in all my life.” His eyes widened in surprise, then, hesitating a little, he brought his head close to mine so that our foreheads were touching. Slowly, he angled his head, and pressed his lips softly to mine.

Three things happened at once: my heart stopped, an explosion of heat tore through my body, and there were fireworks crackling behind my eyelids. I felt his tongue slide under my lip and tease around my teeth slowly; a soft moan escaped his lips.

“Toby, stop.” I tore away from him, a hand clamped over my mouth. The fireworks died, and instead I saw a sixteen year old boy, pale and scared. “That never happened.” I managed, finally. “No one has to know about this, understand?”

Toby nodded.

“Go to lunch,” I said shakily, “and act like this never happened.”

After he went, I braced my hands on my desk, and breathed hard. Come on, Sarah. Get a grip. He’s a sixteen year old hormone fuelled boy.

Inhale, exhale.

My phone buzzed again.

Where are you? I’m waiting in the car.

I cursed under my breath, and licking my lips, I could still taste Toby there; a sweet, but bitter aftertaste.

Why then, if it was illegal, did I enjoy it so much?


I hurried across the car park towards our car; a blue Mercedes parked neatly in a space under the shadow of the maple tree. I slid into the passenger seat, and he was there. He kissed me quickly, and stiffened suddenly. I wondered if he could taste the lie there.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, “You seem tense.”

“Nothing,” I lied, “Bad day. My year nine class has been giving me hell.”

“Put your seatbelt on.” He started the car.


“I booked an appointment with the fertility specialist at the hospital. He’s going to run some tests.”

“You did this without telling me?!”

“You’ve been saying for ages that we should think about starting a family!

“A fertility specialist isn’t going to change the fact that you can’t have kids, Nelson.”

He quietened, his eyes steely, and his jaw tight. One hand rested on the steering wheel.

“I’m sorry.” I pressed a fist to my lips. “Nel, listen I really am sorry.”

“No.” He snapped. “It was a stupid suggestion anyway.” He threw the car door open, and marched back out towards the school.

I watched him go, tears blinding my vision. I yanked open the glove box, and selected a CD at random: Science & Faith by The Script. I pushed it into the CD player and selected track three: Nothing. It was a CD I’d bought for Nelson last Christmas. As the music pounded through the car, I ground my knuckles against my head, running my fingers through my hair. Jesus, I needed a getaway right now.

As usual, you don’t have to wait long for the bad to get even worse...

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