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I ran down the stairs in wolf form.

From floor 3 to 2 to 1 with the pup dangling from my mouth. I could tell it was a male. He was curled into a small ball only his head sticking up because of the hold I had on his scruff.

I was very careful in my carrying to be sure my teeth didn't pierce his flesh.

I ran onto the final floor and jumped out of the door. I heard the presumable beta not far behind me.

I could hear the 'thump' of his paws as his soft, sensitive pads hit the ground in two strokes of two.

'Thump..thump.......Thump..thump' it repeated.

I kept my pace up and the wolf pup relaxed. As if he knew who I was.

I ignored it not daring to stop or look behind me. I only skidded to a hault when I saw them...

The beta that had previously been chasing me was now in front of me. With two others he bigger than the rest.

But he wasn't an alpha he was much to small to be an alpha.

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