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A/N: I'm having this one set after Last Sacrifice, if that makes sense.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was surprised. And when I found out it was Dimitri's, I was in shock.

Dhampir men couldn't get dhampir women pregnant. Some weird genetic fluke, sorta like mules. Moroi could get dhampirs pregnant, but this was unheard of.

Walking the palace halls, looking for my long time boyfriend, Dimitri, I ran my hands through my think brown hair, worried. Lissa had been crowned queen months ago, and the three of us moved to the palace, her ruling, and us two of her guardians.

Relieved when I found him in the library, I sighed. "Dimka, I have to tell you something," I half sobbed, sitting down next to him.

He was instantly on high alert. "Roza, what's wrong? Is it Lissa?"

"No, it's not her, thank god, it's me. I'm pregnant, Dimitri. Lissa told me it's yours, with how she knows things." At that point, I was full out crying, tears streaming down my face, shoulders shaking.

Seconds later, the queen walked in with her love, Christian.

"Rose, I was hoping you had found Dimitri. I wanted to talk to you two," she said in her soft, accented voice.

"Queen Dragomir, what's going on with my Roza?"

"She's pregnant, the child is yours. I've been doing research, and found some texts that say dhampirs can have children. It's just very rare, it hasn't happened in so long that everyone said it was impossible. I felt both of your energy there."

Dimitri looked at me, a loving, worried glint in his soulful eyes. After a few seconds, I met his eyes, always in awe at how handsome my boyfriend was. He sighed.

"Roza, my love, I've been meaning to ask this for a long time. I just didn't know when to ask. Vasilisa has given me permission, as this is strange among guardians." The six foot seven inch Russian guardian stood, pulling me with him. Suddenly, he dropped to one knee, and Christian handed him a little box.

"My love, Roza Hathaway, will you marry me?"

This time, my tears were of joy. He and I had been dating for a long time, and had gone through so much together. Before, as novice and mentor, to me trying to find him when he was a Strigoi, to Lissa healing him, going through the pain of him not wanting to see me because of all that happened in Russia, to finally dating, and becoming Lissa's guardians, I loved him. I fell for him when he and the group of guardians had gone to Oregon to bring us back to St. Vladimir's when we were still students.

"Yes. Dimka, yes, I'll marry you," I sobbed, nodding and covering my mouth with my right hand. I wasn't known to cry, but since my hormones were all out of whack, it was expected.

Sliding the simple diamond ring onto my finger, he got up and pulled me into one of his comforting hugs. I rested my head on his chest, thankful for every day I had with him, Lissa, and Christian, and looking forward to the wedding.

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