A Night To Remember[ESSAY]

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"Vanessa listen to me, hold your little brother take him into your bedroom, lock the door and hide under the bed." My mother said giving me my baby brother. "But why?" I asked confused. "Just listen to me and remember mommy loves you both." I didn't reply I wasn't into that stuff I don't tell my mother I love her even though I do. I just obeyed her cradling my baby brother in my arms. I heard my mother's footsteps going back down the stairs.

After a few minutes of hiding under the bed I heard a sudden knock on the front door. I heard voices, my mother's voice, my father's voice and deep male voices. I wish I could understand what they were saying. I disobeyed mother and moved behind the door. I could hear a little bit more now. "You owe us money, where is it?" The strange deep voice asked. "We don't have it can we have a few more days?" My father pleaded. "We gave you a lot of chances pay up or I will shot your wife." Another strange voice said. "I have half of the money I can give that to you just don't shoot my wi-"


The gunshot was fired even before my father could finish his sentence. I heard my father shouting and screaming my mother's name, he was crying. Tears began to roll downy cheeks. I held my brother tightly, I was terrified.

Another gunshot was fired I couldn't hear my father's screams anymore everything was silent. My brother woke up crying,probably from the deafening sound of the gunshot. I covered his mouth with my hand quickly.
"What was that?" One of the men asked.
"I don't know let's go upstairs to make sure no one's up there." The other man replied.
I scurried under the bed quickly with my brother. I sobbed quietly, I should have told my mother I loved her. The two men kicked down my bedroom door. They looked everywhere I held my brother tightly still covering his mouth.
Suddenly the bed sheet was lifted and two masked men were looking down at me. "Found them." He said. Another man suddenly appeared,he did not have on a mask I gasped recognising exactly who it was. It was my uncle. He smirked pointing the gun at us and asked "Who's next?"

~~End of story~~

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