•Part three

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Elisabeth had just finished making dinner when, her Aunt Mayblossom walked through the door. She was about to tell her Aunt about the proposal, when her Aunt asked her if she would get some water out of the well.

Elisabeth went out to do just that, but when she pulled the bucket out there was a small, slimy, green frog in it! She gasped and jumped backwards from the well, causing the bucket to fall on the grass, spilling water, (and the little frog) all over the grass.

The little frog prince got up and hopped over to the startled maiden. Elisabeth was even more startled when the frog started to talk to her, in Prince Carlos's voice! He started to explain that he was Prince Carlos and what had happened, when a hideous monstrous, beast with giant horns and claws, started walking towards them from the trees next to the cottage. Now Elisabeth was scared and she picked up the frog prince and ran into the small cottage. The beast tried to follow but she had locked the door.

Once they were inside, they found that her Aunt was no longer there. All they found was a note saying that her aunt had gone on a small trip, and that she hoped Elisabeth chose the right prince for her. Elisabeth was confused. What was her Aunt talking about? Choosing the right prince? What did she mean?

The little frog, Prince Carlos,could see plainly in her face that she didn't understand the note, and explained everything to her. About fighting with Fredrick, about being transformed, and about her Aunt Mayblossom telaporting them to the cottage, and putting them where they had been when Elisabeth had found them a few minutes ago.

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