Chapter One The Beginning

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She had light brown eyes and golden hair. Tall, dark evergreen trees surrounded her. Through a part in the trees the sun shone, giving her a radiant glow. She smiled, admiring how beautiful nature was. Her bare feet wiggled in the moist soil.

The forest was her favorite place to be. It made her feel free, and like Bob Marley, she had no worries. She spun around losing herself to her thoughts and the trees.

"Nautica!"she turned around to see her best friend racing towards her.

He had dark hair and piercing green eyes. You could see his elfin ears, much like hers, due to the short length of his hair.

"Troy what is it?" Nautica asked.

"I've been looking everywhere for you. The Elders. They're here. In the village." Troy panted, excitement pasted on his face.

The Elders were the most important people for Nautica's village. They were the oldest, wisest, and most powerful elves in their area. They were also the leaders of the village.

Hurriedly the pair ran off to the village. The arrival of the Elders was a big deal. It only happened a few times every five years. The People would celebrate greatly. They would party day and night 24/7 and have feast after feast. The Elders would sit at the head of a long rectangular table, drinking in the sight of the commoners.

Nautica got to the village first. Her eyes grew as she looked around. The village was small but home to many. And everyone was gathered around to see the Elders.

She looked to the middle of the of the circle and saw them. Their long white hair billowed in the wind. Their pale wrinkly skin showed blue veins in the hands. They wore long black cloaks. If you didn't know it was the Elders hiding underneath, you would've believed the Grim Reaper had triplets. The only thing missing was the reaper.

"Hello Village of Lull. Once again we come, but I'm afraid we come bearing bad news. We've just been informed that there are elves among us who want war. I don't know why. I don't know when. I want you to look out and protect yourselves. War is upon is" the oldest brother said.

With that they vanished into thin air. And then there was chaos.

Hello there fellow wattpadders. Ew, that sounds weird. Lol. Anyways I promised you guys a new story and here it is!!!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Right now this is the only story I'm focused on. Because I have a few more chapters written, I'll post a new one each week. Or whenever I'm bored. 😁😁 Anyways, after that I'll update every two weeks or so.

Just let me say though, I love my writing (at times) but I'm really excited for this story. Like you have no idea. So I'll try and make you guys proud and make this into a great story.

I read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi/ supernatural because I like to live in the fairytale inside my head. This is the first story I've wrote tho that are in those catergories. So please read. And I hope you haven't forgotten about me because I haven't forgotten about you(believe it or not).

So with that I want to say hey and thank you to everyone who's followed and read my stories since the beginning. And also to my new followers and readers. And I'm just letting y'all know now, Ima enter this book into the wattys 2017. So I'm really serious.

I think this is the longest authors note I've written so Ima go. Idk joe everyone feels about long a/n's but personally I don't like 'em. So have a great summer everybody and I'll get back to you guys. Thank you. I love you.

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Kisses, R.G.

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