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The relationship between Flavia and learning is very special. She likes studying, reading, learning new things and she is very competitive both with her comrades and with herself, always testing her limits.

She doesn't need to spend hours and hours on the textbooks to learn the basic concepts, she just need to read a couple of times the key paragraphs, emphasizing the fundamental concepts and write them in the form of diagrams or summarized in a notebook because they remain stored in her head.

But there is to say one important thing, which is that Flavia is a person that tends to idle; She never does more than the necessary to achieve her purposes and often this sloth leads her to not completing some of the tasks she has set for herself, also because of her pursuit of perfection that most of the times leads to the unability to reach it and then to the abandonment of the project.

She likes knowing everything she can about what surrounds her, from actuality events to general culture through the narrative, the history (especially the one told by those who lived it in the first place).

At the age of nine she had read most of the books of her home library, composed not only of the classics of world literature, but especially of thrillers and mistery, that sharpen her brain and keep her imagination trained on several fronts. She eats books at the rate of one a day, isolating herself from the rest of the world to dive completely, soul and mind, into the story she is reading; instead the body is usually sprawled on the sofa or anywhere else that allows her to relax and get away from reality.The stories of her grandmother take her to live many of the events that have seen her city as the protagonist of the war, with almost fantastic stories of rescues of partisans, deportations of ethnic minorities and bombings.
At school she finds the assigned duties always easy; even when the mothers of her companions discuss with teachers and professors about the difficulty of some exercises, Flavia has already done the task, and most of the time just remembering what it is said in the classroom by teachers, without the need to do more research (which would be a waste of time for a lazy girl like her).
Flavia has always had a soft spot for the arts, so much so that during junior school she gets excellent grades in music lessons, where she learn to play the flute and keyboard, and in those of arts, where she start a production of drawings and watercolors that make her excel in the subject and make her parents proud, so much to bring them to hang a large amount of them on the walls of their home.
But when, at the time of choosing the path for higher schooling, she speaks about the possibility to choose that kind of studying address, it is reminded to her that with art she doesn't eat, she should look for something more serious, that allows her to find a good job once she finishes school.
For this, in the end, Flavia decides to enroll in one of three language schools in her city. The program is so broad as to encompass most of the subjects of the classical studies, scientific and adds three languages chosen by the student.
That's how Flavia learns and deepens the study of english, german and spanish, with excellent results and satisfaction.
In the same period, she approaches music, studying classical guitar and later beginning to attend to singing lessons that will lead her to discover one of her main passions.
After finishing high school, and with an accomplice her science teacher who make her love his subjects, she decides to continue her studies by enrolling at the biology faculty of the first university of her city, getting a scholarship to merit and income.
There she also learns a lot and she is able to store more and more information, although at that time her rationality leads her to not fully understand the randomic science that is Physics. In fact, precisely because she can't pass that exam, Flavia is forced to abandon her studies because she loses the scholarship and her mother, who by then was separated from her father and strives between one job and the other as a commercial, can not afford to pay the full tuition fee.
Although she no longer attends a conventional school, Flavia continues to increasingly assimilate new information, participating in cultural activities such as theater and cinema, through the internet she discovers the world of writing and thus she begins (or if you want to be picky, resumes, since as a nine year old child, she began writing a series of poems) to externalize part of what it is on her through this vehicle.
In addition to the school career in itself, she participated in several courses of different nature, a programming course in Java, graphic design and web design, language courses to obtain certificates, she's even learned Russian and Japanese as a self-taught; she attended theater lessons and together with her dog she played canine education courses, which allowed him to obtain the diploma as exemplary canine citizen.
Her mind is constantly moving and it is not easy to keep up with her when she decides to embark on a new project. But this often leads her to not be able to finish the things that she starts because they are too many all at once.
The thing that always impresses her about what she does, is the ease with which she achieves results.
But this has a downside, because when she has a topic that is not so simple like the others, she tends to set it aside instead of committing to learning it.
For Flavia every novelty is a new challenge to take the leap of and to deal with unveiled face, and this not only in the studying but in all aspects of her life.
Whatever she reads, any transpose information is stored in her brain to be used at the appropriate time for any need.
Probably for this reason, or something similar, Flavia is a good interlocutor; she knows when to speak and when to be silent, what topics are the congenial ones and what are best to skirt the issue and she does so nonchalantly and without fear.
She likes to strike up committed conversations and to quibble over the great themes of life and the universe whole, however, she doesn't mind having a frivolous quiet chat with a friend, talking of this and that in front of a cup of steaming tea.

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