Chapter 6

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DAD I screamed. He stood up to hug me. I am glad your okay he said. Your mother hasn't woke up yet he said with a sad tone.
We have one more day I said don't worry. I know son he said. I went to the hatchet and shut it.
Where were you my Dad said. I was out doing stuff I said thinking about the soldier.
Have you ate he asked. No to be honest I didn't realize I said. Look we gotta leave the city I said worried.
Why whats the problem my dad asked. The dark organization is here killing any survivors I said.
Did you see any of them my dad asked. Yeah but the didn't see me I said. Okay tonight we leave and we take your mother he said. Okay I replied looking for things we needed.
I had a backpack full of things we needed. When it was dark we left.We stood low dodging the patrols.
We made it to the surviving wilderness on the outskirts of the city and we stopped. My dad put my mom down and I did the same with backpack.
I took a swig of water and sat down on a tree. My dad looked around with the ll5 in his hand. I had the pistol in my hand but I wasn't worried.
Lets go my dad said getting my mom. Okay I replied getting the backpack. We kept running to the city 45 miles away we figured there would be a sanctuary or something there.
Thats when we heard a large truck roaring closer and closer. We ran deeper into the woods and stopped. It was a military truck looked like the dark organizations truck.
Okay lets go my dad said.

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