Prologue (The invisible prince)

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"I've always felt like someone is watching over me. All the time. I don't know where he is from or if he is even real or just my imagination. But, I feel his presence most of the time. I feel him watching over my shoulder at times, especially when I am reading or writing. When I am feeling confused, it's as if he is whispering words in my ear, and eventually, my mind would be clear. I can't remember how old I was when I first felt his presence. All I know is that I've been calling him 'my prince' because that's how he looks like in my mind's eye. He's bright - always surrounded by light. Sometimes, I would talk to him in my mind, and I swear I could sometimes hear him talking back to me. But then again, it could just be my wild imagination. 

Ever since I've learned how to write. I would always write to him. While other girls write on their diaries, I'd write letters to my prince. I may not have a real family, but, writing to him at the end of the day feels like home - it was all I needed.

One day though, when I was about 16 or 17, I felt like I suddenly lost contact with him. It was like waking up from a very nice dream. I kept thinking about it; I want more of it. In a normal person's point of view, I may have lost contact with an 'imaginary friend'. I never felt his presence again since then...and I miss him."

~ Cheska

"Ever since the accident, I've been having this weird recurring dream. It's clear and vague at the same time. I was in a forest, waiting for the one I love. But I knew that danger was lurking and I had to protect the one I love from whatever it is. I am not afraid of what might happen to me, but I am scared to death of what's going to happen to her if I don't do something about it. I'd get back to my senses every time I get paralyzed by fear in that dream. I know it's just a dream because my reality is way too far from it. I was born and raised in the city; I've never walked in a forest. And I don't have anyone to love."

~ Siegfried

Pour mon Prince (For my Prince)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang