The return of Kady

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It was like 6am in the morning when Jamie heard a loud knock on her front door. She ran to answer it, she was very astonished when she realized that it was Kady sobbing at her doorstep.

What's wrong? Jamie asked. She was still pleading for forgiveness and she also wanted a place to stay. Jamie thought about it for a while and she finally led her inside to stay for as long as she wanted.

When they got inside Kandi,Danny and Peaches all ran towards her they really liked her as if she was their very own nanny. So with all the excitement Jamie hired her as their new babysitter Kady was very happy.

Suddenly Chad came in.Whaa-wha what are you doing here? he asked Kady confused. Jamie told him all what happened but Chad just being himself you could tell he still didn't trust her but anyways he tried not to show it. Heyy kiddos he said anyone up for some ice cream they all shouted yayyy!!!! Chad took the kids for some ice cream near at the beach fiesta whiles Jamie and Kady was home together.

They sat together and got along pretty well for the first night they watched movies ate popcorn and also shared a laugh they were almost becoming best friends. It was 8pm when Chad and the kids came back home they brought an icecream sundae for Jamie and a double chocolate cookie for Kady they both appreciated it it was the best night ever.

Jamie then led Kady to the guest room where she settled and unpacked her belongings. It was not long before every one was asleep for tomorrow was Jamie and Chad's wedding anniversary. It was the 12th of February and tomorrow would also be the first day of Kady's babysitting job.

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