Chapter Four

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"Aren't you a week too early?" Dr. Stanton smiled in amusement.

"Actually, I'm a week late in terms of my period, but I got it all sorted out yesterday," I replied, watching as my sarcasm humor her more.

"Well, at least I know that beneath all that intelligence, there's a sense of humor," Dr. Stanton smiled. She gestured towards another room, one that wan't her office. "Let's go in here today."

I said nothing as I followed her inside, but let out a low whistle when I saw how relaxing the atmosphere was in comparison to her office. "Nice."

"Thank you. I decorated it myself," she said, taking a seat on the hammock in the corner of the room while I sat down on one of the beanbag chairs. "So, as much as I enjoy your company-"

"I've only been here one session," I chuckled, and she only gave me a small smile in return.

"You leave quite the first impression on people, Athena," she said. "Like I was saying, what brings you here on this fine Tuesday afternoon?"

"My brother had to leave yesterday night to fly back to Minnesota, so there's no way I can call him at work, and my parents went on a cruise this past Sunday, and won't be home for a few weeks, so I need someone to rant to," I sighed, and Dr. Stanton gestured for me to begin. "So, there's this cheater in my journalism class who basically blackmailed me into coming to this party, and I really don't want to go."

"And?" Dr. Stanton raised a brow. "What do you want me to say? To talk to an adult about avoiding peer pressure?"

"I just need a way out of the party."

"Well, how did he blackmail you in the first place?" She asked me.

"This kid is well-known around school, and he easily makes friends with all kinds of people, so he threatened to trash my house if I didn't comply and come with him to the party."

"Sounds to me like you want to go," Dr. Stanton said.

"I just told you about a kid who's threatening me, and you conclude that I want to go to his stupid party?" I asked in disbelief.

"Come on, Athena. You and I know both you're smarter than that," Dr. Stanton scoffed. "If he blackmailed you, I would have at least expected you to reply with something along the lines of calling the police."

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Well?" Dr. Stanton cocked her head.

"Damn, you're good."

"That's why I'm being paid."


"Hey, you came!" Ben grinned as he limped his way towards me.

"Only to see you walking like that," I smirked, pointing to his foot.

"Oh, yeah," he said, looking down at his foot. "I can't skateboard now."

"You seem to fit the stereotype rather well."

"Yeah, none of that tonight," he told me, tossing me the can of beer that was in his hands, which I caught and handed to a nearby student.

"Not my type of thing."


"Ouch, that hurts so much."

"Wow, sarcastic bitch should be in your life description."

"It's a full time job," I told him, glancing arounf the room. "So, I showed up, talked to you and now I'm going to leave."

Ben's face fell. "What? You just got here."

"And now I'm leaving," I restated. "Later, cheater skater."

"You can't go. You're going to miss out."

"On what? Horse shit?" I snorted.

"Body shots."

"Right," I drawled. "I have a better idea. You stay here and lick alcohol off of people's sweaty bodies, and I'll go home to watch zombie shows."

I turned around and left Ben there, but to my surprise, he limped behind me and attempted to catch up.

"Okay, what do you want?" I sighed, crossing my arms as I turned back to look at Ben. We were outside the barn near my car, and there was no way anyone could hear us.

"Can't I come hang out with you?" Ben asked, smiling a little as he tilted his head to the side.

"Um, no."

"Why not?"

"Because nobody hangs out with me," I told him. "Plus, you're obviously in the closet, so I know there's no 'I find you beautiful and mysterious even though you're a nerd' crap."

"I'm not gay," Ben huffed, obviously trying to deny it.

I raised a brow at him. "Really? You're doing this now?"

"I'm not," he insisted.

"Okay, when you're reafy to come in terms with yourself, call me," I said, than decided to change my words. "On second thought, don't call me."

"Are you just going to leave?"

"Are you deaf? I've been saying that for the last five minutes."

"What is it about this party that you don't like?"


"Yeah, well, you have to interact with them, whether you love them or hate them."

"I'd prefer not to, which is why I'll be isolated on a private island off the coast of Morocco in a few years."

"Cute, but unrealistic."

"Watch me," I smirked, turning around to continue to my car.

All of a sudden, I heard quickening footsteps and a shadow quickly passed by me. It took me a few seconds to realize that Ben was racing to my car, and naturally, I ran after him.

"I thought your foot was supposed to be hurting," I panted, catching up too late and finding him leaning against the driver's door.

"Still hurts like a bitch," he confirmed. "Okay, freak show. You don't like people, I get that. We don't need them to have fun."

"Um, last time I checked we is not me, meaning there's at least one person joining me."

"Yep," Ben grinned.

"Nice try, but move."




"I have the sheriff on speed dial."

"You mean my dad?"

"Of course he's your dad," I muttered.

"So, would you like to join me for a night of fun?"

"Do you mean a night of vandalism?"

"When you're with me, those two are the same thing."

"Well, shit."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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