14 - Just Like You

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The trek back to Rosenton was long and rough on my poor, aching feet and bruised knees. John had roused me an hour before sunrise so we could hopefully be back in our beds by breakfast time, but with so little sleep and being physically exhausted, we didn’t make it back inside until an hour after the morning meal.

As soon as I stepped into my room after sneaking past the lounge and several staff members, I collapsed on the bed and fell back to sleep, my eyelids weighted and my body so drained that I never heard Esther come in to wake me for lunch at noon. Three o’clock barely passed on the clock on the wall before my swollen eyes forced themselves open.

The bright light shining above me caused way for a bursting headache to take over my skull, throbbing and shattering any hope of a bright and cheery countenance for the rest of the day. I groaned, sitting up with the utmost care to not jostle my head. My mouth twisted into a grimace as I took note of myself in the mirror across the room. The sight of my disgusting shape made it clear a shower and toothbrush were top priorities.

Still yawning, I swung my feet over the side of the bed and padded my way to the womens showers, clothes and toiletries in hand. The cubicle I chose regularly for my shower welcomed me, the steaming water pelting my skin and scrubbing away the grime and dirt. Sharp jolts of pain radiated from my bloody palms and my legs felt like goo, but I steeled myself and savored the cleansing water, sighing in contentment as it massaged my sore muscles.

Washing my hair and body took less than fifteen minutes, and afterward I stayed under the steady stream, basking in the fresh and clean feeling the hot water left behind. I would cherish our time in the cave until the day I died, but rinsing the dirt from my body seemed almost as satisfying as the night before, altogether.

We can get out now.

My shoulder slumped, wet clumps of hair falling in my face. “And here I thought I’d be free of you for a little while,” I murmured, rolling my eyes. Exasperation flooded my veins, and for the first time, I felt like I wanted to fight Power, instead of ignoring or hiding from her. Maybe it stemmed from the confidence John’s presence seemed to give me.

Or, maybe I was finally just sick of her.

Feisty today, are we? Look up, Sane.

“Leave me alone. I don’t even want to think about you right now,” I snapped, the mocking way she called me Sane snapping the last of my patience. It was something she’d picked up only after she’d murdered everyone at Jensen and Sons. I guess to remind me of the distinct differences between her and I while still patronizing me. It had always failed to bother me before, but something about the change from last night and the now made it impossible to hear her call me that without wanting to wring her perfect neck.

Oh, I see. Now who’s having murderous thoughts? I wish you could truly fight me, Sane. It would certainly be my pleasure.

“Just shut up!”

My shout echoed around the large room, making her laugh and sway from side to side.

I’ll leave you be for today if you just look at me. Come on. A day of freedom. All you have to do is look. Her voice slithered through my head, sly and conniving.

But, to pass up the opportunity to not have to worry about hearing her vile voice in my head would be my biggest regret come morning when I could have pretended to be a normal woman.

That’s it, sweet Sane. Just look. C’mon. I’m right in front of you.

Bracing myself against the wall with one arm, I forced myself to obey and raise my eyelashes to meet her evil gaze.

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