
6 1 3

tagged by toomuchpaint and i'm not going to tag anyone because i think most everyone i follow is inactive

1. For the fanfic. I don't even read fanfic on here anymore.
2. Probably a squirrel.
3. Chocolate ice cream
5. Opal?
6. MANY. 1 dog, 3 cats, 2 ducks and 11 chickens.
7. I'm in a weird mood where the only movie I can think of is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty? But he got to skateboard around Iceland (Greenland?) so that would be cool.
8. Jumping up and down the floor/ My head is an animal.
9. Mint.
10. Brown. It's not all that exciting, and if it was replaced by something trees and wood and all that would look really cool. Also, what color would brown hair look? It'd be cool.
11. There was one called Leap, I think, that I read years ago. I remember hating it after all this time, so it must've been pretty bad. I also don't like Beowolf.
12. Can I say three? Quantico because I want to be in the FBI, Young Justice because childhood nostalgia and Jaime Reyes, and Sherlock because Sherlock.
13. 8:00

I'M GOING TO MAKE UP QUESTIONS ANYWAYS! if you read this far, I tag you.

1. Cats, dogs or velociraptors? (now I've got feathered dinosaurs on the brain)
2. Favorite childhood book?
3. Chosen murder weapon and why
4. The best quote ever
5. What's your favorite subject in school?
6. Will artificial intelligence take over the world?
7. Favorite font?
8. One person you couldn't live without
9. Why did the chicken cross the road?
10. Three songs you listen to when angry (i've started to realize that these aren't framed as questions)
11. What's your favorite smell?
12. Do you have siblings?
13. What time is it?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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