Chapter 1: A Usual Night

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It's not that I like being alone, it's just that I crave it with every cell in my body

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It's not that I like being alone, it's just that I crave it with every cell in my body. The charm of privacy is overlooked so commonly; people barely appreciate it the way I do, an-

"Alpha!" yelled Satana, my best friend, from across the field I am currently sitting in, interrupting my monologue.

"Oh, sigh, moment ruined. Good, I was getting bored with that lame rant of yours," Serge said in my head. He's so annoying. Of course you don't know what I am trying to portray to you when I say 'in my head', but that's what he is - a voice in my head.  And I don't mean a conscience or your nagging mother that beats moral standards into your head, I mean an actual voice. This voice I have in my head is Serge, and yeah, they do have an actual name. The first time I heard him, he introduced himself surprisingly enough. It's hard to remember how shy he was when I, technically we, were both 3 years old. Those memories are hidden behind his now overbearing attitude.

Anyway, my name is Alpha, Alpha Invisa (sounds like in-veyes-uh). You could consider me to be the stereotypical goth freak at school, but again, I am not very "stereotypical". However, I believe I do follow the gist of the description. I wear tons of black,  I'm very pale, usually on the unsociable side of quiet, so on and so forth. I have soft, feminine facial features if I do say so myself; they're very well-rounded. No sharp jaw line for me, thank you. Now, here comes the weird part: I have heterochromia, which is when you have two different colored eyes. My right eye is a dark pink, while my left eye is a near-white blue. Most would think they are just colored contact lenses, but trust me, they aren't. I also, strangely enough, have natural dark green hair. Yup, I am utterly freakish, and I got both of these weird traits from my parents. I got my eyes from my dad and the green hair from my mum. It just added up to make an outcast at school. Oh well. Anyways, I have long, shaggy, 'emo' hair, and I am very short. Like, 5'4" short and 130 pounds of 16 year old ace boy. You read correctly, ace. As in, asexual. Look it up if you don't know what it is, and no, I don't mean asexual reproduction. I can't copy my cells into two separate beings.

Back to present events, my squish (basically a platonic girlfriend/ boyfriend/ partner), Satana, called my name across the large field I was laying in. She ran, fell, and proceeded to crawl the rest of the way to me, cackling her witch-y laugh the whole time. Her laugh is hysterical, most of the time sounding like a witch with a hardy, humble twist to it, but sometimes she just sounded like Scooby-doo. Her laugh was contagious, so I just cackled along with her, barely being able to contain myself. She sits beside me, legs splayed out in her high-waisted pastel blue shorts, pastel pink jumper with a galaxy cross, light foam-green hair, grey flower crown, black graveyard printed tights, moon septum piercing, and her favorite patent leather combat boots. She was the definition of the pastel goth aesthetic. For today, at least. That will change tomorrow, she'll be something else.

Either way, she looked at me and asked, "Will you say it first today?" She stares up at the stars after, a tiny yet meaningful smile displayed on her small lips as she looks up with a wondering look.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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