Chapter Twelve

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Warning: Sexual references.

(Ok, ok! Here is chapter twelve! I apologise for the wait and stuff and how slow this book is processing. Butttt, I'm hoping to start updating more often and keep this book up to pace! Cheers :))

Chapter Twelve

Selena's P.o.v

Lining the camera on the stool, I take some photo shots while Justin trains with his team. And yes, he did make it onto the school's soccer team; something that he had told me about; about wanting this.

He was so excited about it and as soon as he found out, he rushed to me huffing and puffing spilling me the details that he had made it on the team. Justin definately was going on like a little girl, it made me laugh the way he was going on about it but it made me happy knowing that our friendship felt somewhat real and not fake like my previous friendship with Lucy. Girl or not, Justin was a true friend to me.

I watch in awe as I watch Justin's technique as he plays with the ball between his feet. The coach had decided this time that Justin will play striker for a quick game of soccer while ending the training session, and this time I take my opportunity to take good photo shots of him.

Snap snap and snap.

After a fair few of some camera and close up shots, I go onto my phone to see if I have any messages and any facebook notifications. Going onto my facebook I see that I've got 27 notifications, some from school invites for some group events and other ones from people liking and reacting to my photo that I had posted of myself like two weeks ago. Which made me wonder... why is some of the people reacting to it now and not then? Seeing who reacted to my photo I see this guy loving my photo and also with a comment saying 'gorgeous girl'.

My heart immediately drops.

It was him, it was Graham.

Getting mad and also annoyed, I raise my brow at the screen wondering what game is he playing at?

I felt like I was being played.

"Hey!" I jumped from the sudden surprise and almost dropped my phone. I cursed under my breath and glared at Justin.

"Did you really have to do that?"

"I'm sorry!" He laughs, "I just had to, you were so focused on your phone and so serious that I had to do it."

Sarcastically I say, "Ha-ha very funny."

"It is though!"

"There was no need, you wouldn't be laughing if you smashed my phone hey?" I growled at him, I knew I was being a bit harsh on him right now but I was so irritated and annoyed.

"Okay okay, what put your panties in a twist?" Justin says confusingly as he furrow his brows. "Normally you don't take things like this so seriously."

"Nothing" I say, hoping he would drop the subject. "So what do you want to do now that your a free man from training?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "Not sure." He says, "What you doing this weekend?"

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