He Noticed(Chapter 1)

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I was walking slowly as I looked at the school that was the new starting of my life. I was terrified. I was gonna be a Junior at a really prestigious school. As you might of guessed this highschool was gonna be filled with rich people. To them I was just gonna be a lucky student who got a scholarship and the chance to attend a school like this .Nothing would change either way, I was always a nobody an outcast and nobody would notice a girl like me. I thought about how maybe everything would remain the same way as it had always been before.

As I made myself to the entrance I looked around. I smiled as I took a deep breath."Smile, I'll be okay. It's just the fist day at a new highschool, what could possibly go wrong." I whispered while holding my binder between my hands and grabbing it tightly. I kissed my necklase and held it with my hand while it hanged around my neck. "Wish me luck mom," I said as I let go of my necklace and walked down the hallway.

As I made my entrance to my class I was surprised to see that nobody was there still. I let a big sigh with relief and sat at the last desk in the very back. I sat in my seat and started reading my books.

As I flipped the pages and read silently I saw when everyone started entering the class one by one. Everything you could hear was the chatter as they walked in. Not so different after all I thought as I sat there.

"OMG, look at my new phone" a girl said as she showed her phone to her group of friends.
On the other side you could hear boys talking about the only thing boys liked talking about, FOOTBALL!

After a while, a teacher walked in and hit the table to get all the comotion calmed down."Can you all take a seat now!" he yelled in a deep voice. He continued,"So I will be your trigonometry teacher, you can call me Mr.Thomas. Now I will take roll and just make sure to raise your hand when I say your name.You guys don't want to get detention on your first day of class right?"and with that he smiled faintly and started calling names from the list.

Everyone waited in silence as their name was called.I knew I would be one of the last ones so I didn't bother on looking up." Logan Gorris." "Here Mr.Thoms"
"Jace Harris..Is there a Jace Harris in here, again one last time,Jace Harris." There was one big silence as everyone looked around to see who was the unknown person.

"Hey Logan you think Jace isn't coming like he told us he wouldn't, where in the world is that idiot?" a guy named Aden whispered to another guy named Logan. "Don't worry bro, he's probably coming late...like he always does, probably about to rush in and make his big entry as always,"Logan assured.

I couldn't help ignoring the conversation but this Jace guy was sure getting quite a talk.

"And finally Emma Walton." "Here,"I said while raising my hand and answering in a soft low voice. "Alright let's ge-" "I'M HeRe," a boy rushed in the room. He was tall with blue eyes and brown light hair that had a little sweep to it. He was all sweaty and was putting both of his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"What's your name son?" Mr.Thomas asked." My name is Jace Harris Sir." "Next time try to get here on time, or you'll get detention , do you understand?"
"Yes Sir It won't happen again,"
"Now go take a seat"

Jace walked by the desks and with a high-five greeded his friends. "Yo Jace thought you weren't coming."Aden smirked at him."Yeah Jace , you almost had Aden crying for you,"Logan remarked while grinning." "Well you won't have to cry now bro, you didn't actually think I would want to miss, right," Jace teased as he looked at his friends.

Jace looked around trying to find a seat. He sat at the only available seat, right next to me. He let his bag drop and with that put his head down.

"Psssss," I heard a whisper coming from the desk right next to me. I lifted my head up only to find Jace looking at me straight in the eyes. I couldn't help notice how blue and beautiful his eyes looked from up close. He looked so nice, so perfect, but I could already tell what type of boy he was. He was one of those boys who played the "I'm the pretty boy."

"Hello,"he said and with that he gave me a soft smile. I moved my eyes away from him quickly and nodded.

"Now we will work from the book on pag-",our first lesson had already started , and I couldn't help but feel excited about it...I knew I was a nerd, but for some reason when it came to learning I felt really enthusiastic. It felt good knowing that nobody noticed this because I was basically a total weirdo, but it surely didn't bother anyone so I smiled as I took my notebook and wrote the notes that were projected on the board.

During the lesson I couldn't help and notice that a girl was giving me a "I don't like you look", I ignored it thinking it was probably my imagination and continued writing until class was over.

When class was over everyone was dismissed by the bell. I made my way to my next class when suddenly someone pushed me to the floor.I turned around and to my surprise it was the girl from trigonometry.

I started picking my stuff up, thinking it might've been an accident.

"Ohh no you dont!," the blonde girl with heels, slammed my stuff back on the floor.

"Whoever you are, I just want to tell you to get away from Jace. You see I just want to make it clear to you that Jace is too good for you and if you're thinking of getting close you better back off because at the end he won't even notice you at all, he could care less about someone as plain and simple as you."

She said as she kept me from getting up and squezzed my wrist.

"Let go of me I don't know what you're talking about, you see you might be mistaking me from someone else."I said as I loosened her grip from my hand.

"Don't play dumb with me , don't worry this is just a warning ,just stay away," and with those final words she left as she stepped on all my scattered papers.

"Jezz what's wrong with that girl. I could care less about that boy, whatever no point on thinking too hard on this one,"I began to pick up my stuff and rushed to class before the last bell rang.

This time class went by fast, For some reason I felt like something was missing. I tried to consentra- te, but I couldn't. I touched my neck feeling so uneasy when I realized what I was missing. I looked around my desk, over, behind under my stuff, but I couldn't find my necklace. I held my breath trying not to freak out. I put my hands on my eyes and I sat there thinking. I thought about how I could hold
the tears back, that necklace was so important to me. I thought about how my mother had given
me that necklace when she passed away.

I could still hear her voice in my head " Don't cry Emma, I'll be with you forever, I will never leave your side because you're my entire world." After she said those words she gave me her necklace and hugged me until I fell asleep. I remembered how the next day I woke up in her arms and tried to wake her up, how I believed she was still asleep and that when she woke up she would smile at me like she always did, but she didn't, she never woke up and since that day that necklace was the last memory I had from my mother. That's why that necklace was so important to me.

Before I could move my hands from my eyes the bell rung and everyone rushed out of class. I got up and put my stuff together and with that ran out of class.
I ran to the hallway where that girl had pushed me to the floor ,thinking it might've slipped off my neck when she had pushed me. "Where is it,"I said agitated while I looked around the whole hallway.

I couldn't find it, I was about to run outside to look for it when someone was standing in front of me holding something that shined in their hands. It was my necklace.

"Are you looking for this?,"Jace smiled as he held it in front of him.

Author's note~

Hello guys :) I decided to start this book, but I'm not sure how I did in this chapter. I hope I did good haha. Hope you like it and I'll find a time to update. Don't forget to comment if you would like or give me feedback :)

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