Chapter 1

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Let me clear some things up. Lily and Victoria are both 19 years old in this specific scene. It might be a little confusing for some people, so I just wanted to add a disclaimer out there.

* Flashback*

I was sitting at my favorite window in Starbucks and had my all time favorite drink Caramel Macchiato. Since final season is around the corner, I decided to sit down at Starbucks and study for my final in design. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing; knowing the ringtone, it was my best friend Victoria. I pick up the phone and said,

" Hello?"

" OMG, you picked up! Lily did you hear..." she said. I couldn't hear her because of all of the background noises coming through her phone.

" Hear What?! You have to speak up!"

" Gurl! Where have you been?!"

" Uh, at Starbucks studying" I said with an 'duh' tone.

" Well let me fill you up. There is a party at some rich dude's house and apparently everyone is invited! We have to go Lily. This is like our only chance of finding a good looking boy. We have to go!"

" I don't need anyone in my life, Vicky. I just want to focus on my studies. I have no time for guys."

" Oh come on! Please Lily. You have to come, I promise you will never regret it."

" No, I am not interested"

" Please. This is a great chance for you to have some fun at least once. Come on lessen up and forget all of your problems just for one night. I am begging you, only one night."

" I don't know Vicky, you know I hate going to these crazy parties were everyone gets drunk and has sex. Plus I am not even at age to drink yet"

" Who said anything about drinking?"

" Yea, but Vicky we have finals coming up and I really need to pass. Sorry."

" Girl, can't you put down that book for a few hours?!"

" You know how this final is so important to me. I really need to focus and pass the test."

" Please, Please, Please. All I am asking is one night. Just one night. I won't drag you to anymore parties after that. Just Please go with me once. And plus its a good way to forget some of the problems and stress you are dealing with right now."

" Fine, Just this once though." I sighed.

" YASSSSSSS!!!!!  Girl you need to come home right now! I need to help you get ready."

" Wait. Before we get too excited, I have some rules that I need to say. First, You have to stay with the entire night we are at the party. Second, don't just bring me to the party and run off. I need to you to stay with me the entire night. I don't feel safe at these parties ."

" Okay Deal. I promise I will not leave you."

" Ok, you better not." I said, already knowing that she would run off later on.

" No Problem. No Problem. You should start walking back, we need to get ready."

" Yeah I will. Let me pack my stuff first. See you. Bye"

" Bye."

Once I hung up, I realize what I had gotten myself into. " Oh no"  this is not going to be a good night. Looking down at my phone, I realize that it was already 3:30 P.M. I decided to leave and start heading back to the dorm.  We were one of the lucky ones, because we were able to request to be each others dorm mates. Knowing that it was quite a walk, I started walking back. While walking back, I couldn't help but notice that EVERYONE was talking about the party. Girls all getting excited because it is rumored that person who is throwing it is super 'hot'. Guys saying how 'dope' it would be, trying to get all these girls attention, and how they are able to drink. " Oh great, seriously, why did I agree to this?" I asked myself.

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