Chapter 7

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-Luke POV-

I waken up cause the sun shine bright. It must be Calum. He open the curtain so the sunlight will be get in. I blink my eyes and i get up. I got down to see Calum on his phone

" oh, morning Luke. "

" why did you open the curtain this early ? The light blinded me. " i step down and sit next to him

" ah, right. I did that on purpose. " he says make me glare at him " so you can get up early. " he continue looking down his phone.

I take my phone on the table and i clicked twitter. all the fans mentioned

And then i saw her Picture

Pre wed huh?

-Ariana POV-

" Jai ! Look at this ! " i scream to Jai when i take a look at the twitter

" why do our pre wed picture getting leaked ? I don't like it ! " i say in annoyance. Jai take my phone and sigh

" maybe your manager was the one who spread it " Jai say and give my phone back

" why the hell did she do this to me ! " i groaned

" honestly, i have never like her though " Jai admitted " and this wedding things kinda sick " Wait, so he doesn't agree to this as well? Heck yeah ! I knew it

" yeah i do think so "

" but this love thing is not fake " Jai mumbled looking down

" wait- what ? " i squeaked hearing those word

" i love you Ariana "

-Luke POV-

" Let's do a twitcam !! " Michael shouted and place the laptop on the desk

" good idea, i'm in " Calum take a sip of his hot chocolate then sat beside Michael

" i think thats not bad, i'm in " i shrugged my shoulder and stand behind Michael

" i always in !! " Ashton says and come next to me. Michael tweet a 'twitcam time !! ' and check the twitcam. The viewers are getting more and more

" Hellow guyyy " Calum greet and waving his hand, so we follow him waving and greet our viewers

" you can give us some question and we will answer it here " Michael explained and at the same time, the question are getting much.

" woww, okay " Ashton mumbled " Michael let's start read the question "

" okay, the first is from @.calpallova : 'is everyone single ?' Ah, i'm gonna answer it right away. Ashton is single but i think he start going out with a girl that we don't know who is it, i am single and i'm searching for my love, Calum is single, and i guess it makes you happy, and the last is Luke, he is.. single as well " Michael start the q&a

we continue read the following question and some time there's a funny question and we are laughing while answering the question, and we do something crazy as well, and even we change position and going around at anytime we want. The viewers are increase time by time, so do the question

" let me read this question. From @.honeymoonbae : ' how well do you know Ariana ? Who is the closest of you all? And do you go to her wedding ? ' " Ashton raise his eyebrow " waa, i can't answer this alone. Help me guys "

why did we have to got this question ? And i don't even feel like i'm going to answer tho.

" uh.. first, we know Ariana really well, cause she like our sister and we got really close to her. But he move to here, England and we lost a contact from her " i suddenly answer. i alone didn't know why i answering this question. The word just slip out of my tounge without my needed.

" so, i'm continue by the second. The closest is... we all close to her. If she like to play a game, the closest is Mike. If she like to cook and watch, the closest is Ash. If she need to go out and buy something or friends to do a 'hang out' , the closest is Luke. And if she need to tell her story, the closest is me. " Calum speak continuing my explained. The closest to hang out huh?

" and the third or i can say the last. We, can't go to her wedding. Cause we got to do our concert in England if you don't know " Mike smiled after saying that

" soo, don't forget to bought your ticket if you want to meet us, and we will presented our new song at there. " Ashton promoting then winking at the end

" sorry for everyone that send us a question, but we don't answer it, but we have to start rehearsal our new upcoming song, so, the twitcam should end up now. " told Mike " Thank you for everyone that watching our twitcam. We love you " Michael says and we start doing a pose like peace, and waving, and more before Mike end the twitcam

" ah, Luke. Sorry for reading that question " Ashton apologized and i tap his shoulder

" that's non of your fault, and i'm fine with that. " i smiled

" yeah, we're sorry too " Calum and Michael said in unison

" don't mind it " i do the 'no problem' hand wave " ah, btw, let's start the rehearsal " i suggest and trying to change the topic or it will be a long convo.

And this new song, our should i say, Amnesia, is a song that i write myself, and it addressed to you, Ariana

A/N Just pretend that they were 20 yo at this story and Ariana is 23, Jai is 25. thankyouu

Your Wedding // Luke Hemmings and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now