Chapter 7: A Less Fortuitous Meeting

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“This is insane,” Lucky said for the third time. “I’m not a rabbit.”

After she had woken up, frustrated and confused, Gwen had put on a pot of tea and attempted to explain her theories—ideas that Gwen herself was only just starting to understand. She had been expecting an actual rabbit, but Wonderland had a way of morphing expectation.

Gwen balled her hands into fists as she struggled to find yet another way to explain. It hadn’t taken long to explain the patterns of Wonderland to Lucky, but once they had moved into Lucky’s role, things had ground to a halt. “I’m not saying you are a white rabbit. I’m saying you are the White Rabbit—”

“So she’s a very important rabbit?” Marc interjected, wearing a goofy smile. Gwen shot him a look—she didn’t need him to step in and break the tension.

“No,” Gwen continued, trying to keep her voice calm. “She has taken over the role of the White Rabbit. She’ll be the one to bring Alice to Wonderland.”

“Okay,” Lucky said skeptically. “And how am I supposed to do all of this? How do I find Alice?” Lucky’s tone had lost the edge of panic, and Gwen hoped she was beginning to come to terms with everything that had been thrown at her.

Gwen tried to remain sympathetic. It couldn’t be easy to be ripped from your body. Growth and knowledge deserved patience. She took a breath.

“When you passed out an hour ago, you were unconscious for ten minutes. Where did you go?”

“I’m not sure exactly… It was summer, and I was outside a brick building. There were people everywhere.”

“And did you see anyone familiar?”

“I wasn’t really looking. I just try to stay out of the way and focus on getting back to my body. What does this have to do with anything?” Lucky stood up from her seat and began to pace about the room, keeping her eyes trained on Gwen.

“I suspect you’re being pulled toward Alice—in her world. You’ve probably seen her already. Next time you’re there, start watching the people. Keep track of who you see.”

“Next time,” Lucky muttered to herself.

“This will stop once you’ve brought Alice here.”

Lucky paused, and Gwen could practically see the questions whirring through her mind. “And how do I do that? Is it safe?”

“I don’t know how. Not specifically.” Gwen paused to adjust her hat. She hated not being able to offer up more substantial information. “I’m hoping your presence will be enough to move things forward. But… I’m not sure.”

“And it’s safe?” Marc asked, echoing Lucky, his face a mask of concern. It was just like him to worry about the wellbeing of a stray he’d picked up in the forest.

“As safe as anything.” Gwen shrugged. She wasn’t about to offer up any guarantees. “Wonderland wants this to happen. Maybe even needs it.”

Lucky stopped and turned abruptly towards Gwen, suddenly rid of the haze she’d been in. “What do you mean?” Her look of concern for Wonderland matched Marc’s for her. Gwen could use that.

She beckoned for Lucky to sit back down. All the pacing was making Gwen dizzy. Once she was settled, Gwen continued. “I would think you’d know the stories better than most, having grown up in the Neverwood. Back before the Red Wars, before Alice, things were different. The wildlife was as much a part of Wonderland society as we were. Ancient beasts lived atop mountains, and Queens held the power to give life to mundane objects. Even the flowers grew so tall that they were said to take on lives of their own.”

Beautiful Madness, Book One: Follow the White RabbitWhere stories live. Discover now