Chapter 4: The Legendary Assassins Part Two

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" harumi wake up now" arthur

" ok <yawn> " harumi

Mr. Arthur woke me up early in the morning to start looking for the materials i need..

While in the dining room...

" wow... our breakfast looks yummy!! " ayn

" <eating fastly> yum yum yum!! Thanks for the food meliz! " kalif

" hahaha you're very much welcome " meliz

" mr.arthur you know where we can get titanium? " harumi

" mitch knows a lot about this place, he will lead us the way, right mitch? " arthur

" yes mr.arthur.. i know a friend who's using titanium in making swords " mitch

" wew! Let's go then! " harumi

" o'right everyone.. pack up now. We have to go " mr.arthur

" ayay sir!! " rheyn

We went to mitch's friend to ask if where we can get titanium, but along our way a group of five person suddenly attacked us...

" stop right there! " joever

" who are you?? " harumi

" harumi.. they are the legendary assassins.. " ayn <shaking because of fear>

" sh*t!! " harumi

" what do you want?? Did king kim send you here?? " arthur

" hello arthur.. it's nice to see you again " ara<evil smile>

" lord kim commanded us to kill you and bring your head to him " joever <pointing to harumi with his katana>

A man suddenly appeared in my back and held my head..

" should i cut this now with my strings? " rome <evil smile>

" let him go!! " kalif

" hey..hey.. who's this girl? She's beautiful!! " marvin <walking forward to ayn>

" don't touch her!! " harumi

" why don't we play a game? " joever <srcastic tone>

" oh! Sounds fun!! " renka

" hey.. stop doing that to the kid. Let him go. Why don't you face me? " micth said it to the legendary assassins calmly

" let's settle this tomorrow morning. Meet us at the cemetery before the sun rises. But we'll gonna bring with us this girl whether you like it or not " joever

Ara chanted a spell that made ayn unconcious. The legendary assassins suddenly vanished with ayn. I wanted to stop them but they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

" fvck!!! They got ayn!! " harumi

" what are we going to do now?? " rheyn

" mitch! Bring me to your friend!! I need to do something!! I'll make them pay! " harumi

" it's my first time to see your eyes on fire kid " kalif

" what will you do harumi? " arthur

" i'll gonna make a weapon!" harumi

We went to mitch's friend(jacob) to ask if where we can get titanium.

" hey kid. What will you do to this titanium? I have plenty of this. How many do you want? " jacob

" can i have it all?? " harumi

" yeah sure. I have resources for this titanium, so it's ok for me if i give it all to you, after all mitch is my very best friend and i owe him a lot " jacob

" thank you very much. Mr. Arthur, i have to return to lab as fast as possible. I'm going to make a destructive weapon! " harumi

" my flying train can do that, he's the fastest train in town " arthur

" mitch, let's just meet tomorrow at your house " harumi

" sure kid! I have to prepare my self for tomorrow's battle " mitch

" game...on.. " harumi< angry face >

The flying train drove me back to mr.arthur's mansion. I was amazed because the train can transport itself from one place to another. I hopped out from the train and rushingly went down to my lab. I used all the titanium that
Jacob has given me. I used all the metal that i have in my lab and converted my headphone into a useful tool.

" this is it! A masterpiece! Wait for me ayn! I will save you! " harumi

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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