The Victim

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Dedicated to @iWantUnionJ for putting up with my endless cover requests!
Also - I wrote this poem back in 2013, when I was 13 years old. I'm now 17 and don't write poetry like this anymore because I find it too dark. I was going to take it down for that reason (plus the fact I think it's a really badly written poem!) but if it helps people, I will keep it up. X

The Victim

I want to write a poem,
That means something to you.
It doesn't have to be real,
It doesn't have to be true.

You won't say it's good,
But you won't say it's bad.
You'll just say it's weird,
And that I'm very, very sad.

Your name is the Bully,
A horrible word, I know.
And if you don't stop it soon,
You will have to go.

You'll say I'm so embarrassing,
And that poems are so not cool.
You'd boss me around and control me,
You'd use me as a tool.

I will gain power over you,
One day, and everyone will see.
You'll see I'm not an easy door to unlock,
Good luck on finding the key!

This poem was made for you,
Though, don't ask me why.
The only good thing you ever did,
Was slowly make me cry.

And yes, that's a good thing,
It helped me write this rhyme.
But it doesn't mean I'm weak,
I've just been strong for too long a time.

So now you've read my poem,
Every word of it was true.
Don't you dare bully me again!
Who knows what I will do?

...I never spoke out against you,
Silence was my addiction.
But then I soon realized,
I became the Victim.

The VictimWhere stories live. Discover now