A date with a pirate

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(Your POV)

I looked around dazed, we were in a clear space and suddenly it magically fogs up from practically nothing! I held on to Frisk as I heard a familiar comical tall skeleton. "HUMANS! you don't know how long I have waited for people who loved puzzles, love my cooking and Just appreciate a well known pirate such as myself! I pity you lonely humans...perhaps I ....No I... I can't be friends with you...especially you my lady!" He comes into view and kissed my hand causing me to blush. "my lady you have capture my heart through just being with me....and that is why I THE GREAT PIRATE PAPYRUS! shall capture you!" He announced and the three of us entered a fight, I gasped and held on to Frisk as we dodged multiple bone attack, some were blue others just plain white. I refused to hurt Papyrus as he was nothing but kind to us throughout our whole misadventure through the ice. The poor dear took it as flirting, I smiled in sympathy and continued to dodge his attacks until I got to careless and got my arm hurt pretty badly. Papyrus immediately stopped the fight and rushed to my side, I looked at him tears in my eyes. He looked at me with sympathy before picking me up and took me somewhere. I leaned into his chest as we arrived to a broken ship, it looked as if it was turned into a home. It was creepy yet beautiful in a macabre way, the three of us entered and just like Toriel's home magic kept the water out of the home. I smiled as he settled me into the couch, I watched as he went off to retrieve some aid. Frisk sat beside me nervous and I just smiled warmly at her. "I am alright Frisk darling....it's just a minor wound" I said to her in a calm voice, she seemed to relax at the thought. Eventually Papyrus came back with supplies, and began to fix my arm. I winced on the occasion when Papyrus had to tighten the bandage around my arm, I looked at him and he smiled sweetly. I smiled back and  he coughed and spoke up, "W-well d-do you mind if I with ye have a date? to um make up for what I did to you?" He asked and I smiled at him and nodded. "why sure I don't see any harm with a smile date" I said and his face lit up and covered in orange? I presume it was a blush of some sort and I decided not to question logic since I was in a magical world of monsters. Papyrus smiled at me and picked me up once again and looked at Frisk. "Human please feel free to roam while your elder sister and I have our date" Papyrus said and Frisk simply  nodded and started heading off to explore the home.

(Papyrus POV)

I took the lady to my room for our lovely date, she was so beautiful for a human long brown hair. Lovely curves and that dress fit her body just right, I shook my head Sans is influencing me too much. I must be a gentleman to the lady! I set her down on my life boat of a bed, I smiled when she looked at me with such grace. I sighed happily as we begun our date, we chatted and got to know each other more. I learned she was a bit older than myself and closer to Sans age, she was actually going to get married when her ship crashed. She seemed relieved in the fact that she didn't have to marry, I was happy too as that means the lovely lady is available for the taking.....I smile ad we continued on our talk, there was no way I was going to loose to Sans, I see the way he looks at her. Her heart will be mine even if it mean I fight me older brother for it.


Talk about a battle for the heart, hope you enjoy this chapter!

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