chapter 2 *end of school*

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So it's the end of the school day thank the Lord!!!!! Austin walks up to me I try to run from him but he is way faster than me.
            *Austin's pov*
I push her down and kick her hard enough that she blacks out and I run into her friend Madison she says "do you know were Taylor is?"No I'm sorry. God that was a close one i don't wanna hurt Taylor it's just this guy Jack told me that if I.don't bully her that he.will.kill.her and I really don't want her dead I care for her way to much and it hurts me to bully her every day and I know she will never forgive me😖✌💔 and I.have a crush on her too....
            *Taylor's pov*
I wake up on the sidewalk and I try to get up but I is it fall so I.crawl home and run to the bathroom get my razor 1cut because of my basterd of a dad
2cuts because of my mom being dead 3cuts because of myself being ugly and worthless
4cuts because of Austin😖😖💔✌
And everything goes blury and I pass out.
                *Madison's pov*
Taylor's door was unlocked so I run in I look in her room and she was not in there I start to get worried I run to her dads room he was not there I run to the bathroom the lights on and there she was my only friend Taylor laying on the ground bleeding.out from every cut her body had consumed.........💔💔
I run to get my phone and call the ambulance but......


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