882 19 3

"Harry, wait!" My girly squeaky voice breaks as I stumble through the living room to get to the front door.

"Fuck, leave me alone!" He screams so loud that I flinch. He does a 360 and continues to take long strides down my apartments hallway, leaving me at my door frame in utter shock.

"Esme dear, is everything okay?" My next door neighbor, a cute old lady, asks through a small opening of her door. My mind goes to the warm cookies she makes for me because I still have yet to eat the Chinese food that came earlier, but sure enough I answer, "Yeah, just drama."

"Was it Zayn? I really like him, he helped me with my bags quite a while ago."

Ugh, the last thing I want is to have a conversation with Mrs. Hayden, but who can ignore this sweet lady?

"No, him and Fin are on there honeymoon, that was just a friend." I try to keep the talk short as possible.

"Oh, well I hope everything gets better, dear. I'll see you soon!" She tells me before shutting her door back and I close mine on too, locking it this time. When I turn back to face the rest of my apartment Micah stands looking dumbfounded by the whole scene.

"Esme? Who was that?" He asks like a curious little kid.

"Micah, I'm so sorry, but I can't move in with you and I'm sorry if I left you with the wrong intentions. But seriously man, the last time we've spoken must've been centuries! I know you'll have an amazing time in America and remember if you need anything you can come to me." I. say with an exasperated sigh.

He blinks a few times and nods, looking down at his dirty boots. "Oh, well, thank you Esme...I'll hopefully see you around." He gives me a fake smile and kisses my cheek before tossing his bag across his shoulder and leaving my place. For a moment I forget what had happened with Harry and I was just about ready to dive in to my warm bag of food.

I find my phone and call Harry multiple times with no good outcome and decide to give up and eat. I know it seems like a jerk move, but I can't count the times Harry got mad at me. And everyone knows that when Harry's mad, you don't bother him, because he'll bite your head off. Angry Harry is a rare Harry, well, not in my case, but it's still not something you mess with.

I'll call him soon.

Harry's POV

I give and give and give. What do I get in return? Nothing.

Oh wait, I get to see the girl I think I'm in love with, with fifty other guys ready to make out with her wise she just pushes me farther back into friend zone territory.

I know I shouldn't have left. I know I'm probably over exaggerating this whole thing, and I know that more than anything I need to talk to her. But hey, I can do that back in California, right?

As I think, my phone continues to buzz with missed calls and texts all from Esme but I refuse to answer. I refuse to melt by the sound of her voice just so I can feel more pain.

"Sir, if you're not planning on buying a ticket, I suggest you leave." Said the uniformed woman, glaring at me.

Fuck, I forgot I was still in line.

I give her an apologetic smile and take me and my stuff to an empty bench before sitting down with a big sigh. What am I thinking, I don't have the money to waste on flights! I'm moving and just that's weighing heavily on my bank.

Well Harry, you should've thought of that before chasing a girl across the country for know damn reason.

Before I knew it, I had my phone on hand and I was dialing back Esme's number.

Esme's POV

I literally was half way in my bottom cupboard looking for any available wine bottles, but I swear I remember finishing my last one before flying to England. I hear my phone begin to ring on top of the kitchen island I was under and my heart begins to race as I struggle to get out of the mess I'm in. I probably look like my dog after he got caught trying to find the peanut butter. Yeah, my dog likes peanut butter.

"Hello?" I answer as though I just ran a mile or two.

The line is quite but I can hear Harry's heavy breaths, a clear sign of his anger.

"Harry look, Micah-, that guy you saw, I have no feelings for what so ever. I haven't seen him in years and with my luck he shows up the day I come back home! I'm sorry you-"

"Don't." He catches me off guard with how harsh his tone really his but it truly hurts my heart to know I'm the reason for it.

"Where are you? We both know if we talk this out via phone, we'll end up hanging up on each other and I'm tired of running from this so we need to talk, face to face."

His end remains silent and I have to check once or twice to see if he really did hang up on me.

"Flight 201 is now..." I manage to hear. He's at the airport? Maybe New York was just a lay over?

"Har-" Before I can finish my statement the line really does go dead and I immediately run towards my door, grabbing my purse and running out the apartment.


When I arrive at the airport, the hope of finding him decreases with every sprint since it was so crowded already.

"Esme?!" A male shriek screams. Turning around to see Harry try to run away again makes me think of myself. Oh how the tables have turned.

"Something I've learned is that running isn't a solid reason to solve a problem!" I yell after him, dodging cranky people and little children.

"Like I fucking care, I can't believe I wasted my time on you!" He yells back without looking at me. Surprisingly it didn't hurt me, I'm glad he's getting his anger out.

"Me too!" I agree with a squeak after tripping over a suitcase and falling to my knees. Great klutz moment, Esme. I'm sure I've lost him already.

"Holy-, you okay?"

When I look up at the man with his hands out, he reminds me of a older version of Liam, with the cute charming smile and super muscular with his fuzzy facial hair.

"No, leave, get away." Harry grits through his teeth, shoving him away. The man surrenders and takes himself and his luggage away as Harry helps me up instead. "That was rude." I mumble, brushing my knees.

"You shouldn't be talking about rude, you are so damn oblivious and I can't stand it! You make me so weak and vulnerable whenever I'm around you, you were a part of the reason I left for California!"

I don't know if I should be offended or flattered.

In seconds he's backing me against the wall and my heart best picks up. No, no, no. "God, just tell me Esme, tell me what I need to do?" He whispers with a piece of his hair brushing against my forehead and his eyes flickering back and forth from my lips to my eyes.

Sucking in my lips I say, "Harry, I told you that I can't-"

"Fuck Esme, you can't what!? You can't fucking what!" This time he makes me flinch and I think we both forgot we were in a public place as security was watching when Harry punched the wall around me. "Just say it, say you still love him."

And I swear right in that moment, my heart fell to my ass.

(A/N: howdy y'all (: lol idk. Again, if it's short, I'm doing it for the dramatic effect!!! Love & Miss you guys!!!! ❤

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Mwah, ox, Dee)

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