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Hooray for an update!


Christmas was in less than a week and Niall still had to buy Liam his gift. He had gotten everyone else their gifts but not his boyfriend's since Liam was with him when he bought them. But now he needed to get him something and he wasn't sure when to do it. He also didn't know what to get him.

Niall sat on his bed, thinking hard. He wanted to get something special for Liam. Something that has meaning for both him and Niall. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he grabbed his phone, calling up Sam.

"Hey, Niall."

Niall smiled. "Sam, hey, are you busy today?"

"No today is a pretty easy day. Why what's up?"

"I have a favorite to ask you. Can I swing by the shop?"

"Yeah of course!"

"Okay, I'll see you in about a half hour." Niall said goodbye and ended the call. He got up and headed to the bathroom and got dressed. He headed down the stairs where his dad, Liam, and Harry were playing a game. He smiled at them before heading in to the kitchen to talk to his mom. "Mum, can you drive me to Sam's shop?"

Maura put the last plate away when she nodded. "Sure, just you?" He replied.

Niall nodded, walking closer. "I'm going to get Liam's Christmas gift there." He whispered.

She smiled. "Alright, let me get my keys."

Niall walked out to the dining room, coming to stand behind Liam. "I'm going in to town with mum, I'll see you later, okay." He said and kissed Liam's cheek. Liam nodded.

"Okay, love you." The brunette said, pecking Niall's lips.

Niall smiled. "Love you too," He saw his mom heading for the door and he followed her outside and to the car. He let out a sigh as they both got in. "I didn't tell Liam where I was going. Could you not let him know either?" He asked, looking at his mother.

Maura nodded. "I won't honey, but maybe you should talk to him about that."

"I know but just, I've tried. I will after this, I promise." Soon Maura was pulling up in to the parking lot next to Sam's shop and she stopped the car.

"I'm going to go visit a friend, I'll call your da and tell him. That way Liam doesn't question anything." Maura said before Niall got out.

"Thanks mum," Niall leaned over and kissed her cheek before getting out of the car. He tugged on his scarf a bit as he walked around the building to the front entrance. He pushed open the door, hearing the little bell ring and he smiled as he saw Sam look up from a binder.

"Niall," The red head smiled as he walked around the counter to hug the small boy. "So what brings you to my shop?" He asked.

"I want to make Liam a bracelet." The blonde grinned. "Something unique that fits him."

Sam smiled. "Well let's get to it then." He said. "Let's look at some basic designs first." He walked to the back of the counter and pulled a book from it, opening it up and laying it on the top of counter.

Niall walked over to stand by Sam and they both began to look through the book. A few pages in he pointed to a braided brown leather strap. "I think that will work really well. And I want silver. Can you spare any?" He asked.

Sam nodded. "For an old friend, I think I can manage." He said, earning a smiling from Niall.

"Okay, now I need a design..." Niall looked back down at the book, looking at designs when he suddenly stopped on the Celtic dragon. He grinned. "Yes, this, it's perfect. Maybe like one at each end of the braid and...oh! Can we have maybe like have the clasp be a ring in between both dragon's teeth?"

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