Chapter 10: What's In The Bushes?

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Hey guavacados!! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, sorry it was so short. Well anyways, here's a new chapter! Enjoy!


"Hey Adam?" I asked awkwardly


"I-I have something to tell you, and everything is already so weird, so I am just going to say it." I said.

"Well, okay. Go ahead, I'm listening." Said Adam.

I took a deep breath.

"Well, there's a person talking to me inside my head, and they told me this weird poem that might be the key to getting out of here."

Adam stared at me blankly for a second.

"You too?" He said

WHAT?! He hears them too?

Yes Dedreson. You're not the only one who hears the saviours.

Wait, the saviours? There are more of you?

Of course there are! How do you think Columbus discovered America?

How do you think Benjamin Franklin created electricity?

How do you think Steve Jobs created apple?

Without our guidance, those would all just be names, Dedreson.

Really? You have met all those people?

No, not me. Those weren't my projects. Ameridel had Columbus as her project. The nice young lad even had the land named after her.

Well, almost.

Electa Citality had Benjamin Franklin as her project. Nice man, that one.

And my friend Apella helped god create the earth even! She wanted something named after her, so god named the sweet fruit that you call "Apple" after her.

And many, MANY centuries later, she guided Steve Jobs in creating the amazing technology he did. So be called the project "apple" which remains popular today.

All of that was done with the help of your guidance?

Not mine, but the guidance of the saviours.

I-I, it's, remarkable.

So now do you understand how important the saviours, and others in our world are?

I guess I do.

Well, then it's time to meet Fire.


"TY!" Adam yelled

"What?!" I answered, a little shocked.

"I asked you a question and you zoned out for like 5 minutes!"

"The voice." I said.

"She told you something?"

"More than something. She has been talking to me for a while now, and now I know why." I said truthfully

"Why are they-" he was cut off by a rattling in the bush.

"I-Is that a b-bunny?" I asked, fear filling my gut.

"Unfortunately, I don't think so!" Said Adam.

All of a sudden, whatever was in the bush jumped out at us, knocking us easily to the ground.

Adam and I shut our eyes in fear.

In mere seconds, I was grabbed by my shirt, and lifted from the ground.

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