Chapter 20

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My eyes opened slowly, they were met by a burnt out fire. Goosbumps covered my legs, arms and back. The cold air around me had caused it.

Slowly I took in my surroundings, the trees looked the same, smelled the same. So did the rest of the green forest.

I sat up on the little patch of dirt that I had slept on. My hands went up in my hair, trying to comb through what possibly looked like a blue bird nest. It didn't really work, as my fingers got stuck every other second.

"Do you think she's an arctic wolf?" The muffled voice came from behind me. It was clearly the guy with the accent, as the question held that same heavy accent.

"No," another muffled voice said. I think that's Sed, I mean he's the only one who has seen my wolf. And that's more than once.

"Do those even exist?" This voice I couldn't really put a face to.

A cold breeze picked my hair up, and made it swirl around over my head. When it fell back down as the breeze died out, I stood up and walked closer to the voices.

"I don't know," the guy with the accent said.

I peeked around a big tree, and there they were. All of the "kidnappers" were standing in a circle, as if they had some type of a meeting.

My hands grabbed onto the brown bark of the tree and I stated to climb. I sat down on the first steady branch that I found, where I could look out over them.

"A gifted wolf maybe?"

What are they even discussing? Mythical wolves?

"No dumbass," Luceat scoffed, "They are talking about you!"

"Me?" My question caused her to sigh in frustration. I was obviously not getting the point.

She shook her head, "It's not normal to heal that fast, so they think you have a special wolf."

"Well, I have a special wo-," she cut me off.

"That's not the point! They think you have one of those myth spreading wolves!"

I understood now, they thought that I had a special wolf because of the healing. But they don't know that that wasn't my wolfs doing, it was my own, or maybe Brea's.

They kept discussing more kinds of wolves, which was really boring.

I jumped down on the ground, almost in the middle of their circle. As I walked further into the circle I received some surprised looks.

"How long have you been listening?"

I shrugged, "Just so you know," I said, "I don't have a "
'special' wolf." As I uttered the word special I made quotation signs with my hands.

They all gave me strange glances, I didn't know what to think of them.

My eyes followed the surroundings, as the "kidnappers" weren't paying any attention towards it. How dumb are they? We could be getting attacked at any moment, and they are giving me and their thoughts all the attention in the world. Jeez.

"But how could you heal so fast if you-," The guy with the accent started, the dirt crunching underneath his feet as he moved a little.

I shrugged as I tried coming up with a simple lie, and there it was. "The wound wasn't that deep."

The giggly guy narrowed his eyes at me, he didn't believe my lie. "No, it was deep," he said with disbelief haunting his words.

I blinked a few times, not knowing what to say. A chill went down my spine, making me shudder a little. The cold air around me felt even colder.

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