(3) Debts

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"Allen what's going on?"

Allen was to caught up in a situation that led him not being able to answer Lavi. He was tied up with thick rope with a cloth covering up his mouth. Dangling from the ceiling he couldn't say a word but hope the blood wouldn't rush to far to his head. Rolling his eyes he mumbled, "I'm stuck."

"What was that Beansprout?" smirked Lavi.

Allen shot daggers with his eyes at the cheeky redhead. "Fine fine. I'll help you out, but tell me what happened after I take you down okay?"

Allen scoffed under the fabric and nodded his head in a "of course" fashion. Lavi went around Allen's figure and reached for the top of the bar. He pulled out his knife and began cutting viciously at the rope. It started getting looser and looser when hit the floor with a loud boom. Squirming around trying to work at the rope and sit up.

Lavi hopped back down and helped him free hisself. "Geez beansprout I leave you alone for 5 minutes and you get yourself tied up." Allen removed the gag cloth. "Well excuse me for getting kidnapped."

"Alright, what happened then?"

Allen fiddled with his thumbs a little.

"C'mon beansprout we haven't all day."

"Fine fine okay well you see, I was waiting patiently for you to get back and everything right? And well I just got very hungry all of a sudden and you know how I am with that. I had to find something to hold me over so I walked around a little bit at the festival and found a food truck. Man o man they had lots of good looking food I couldn't wait to try. I began ordering up the things I wanted like chicken, roast, mashed potatoes, veggie wraps, etc." Lavi nodded. "Go on."

"And well you see when I went to grab my wallet I found out that I didn't have any on me so I panicked for a second. That's when this mysterious guy came up and told the vendor its on him and he payed for my meal. Of course I was a little skeptic but I wasn't about to turn down free food and I thanked the man and asked him if there was anything I could do to pay him back." Allen sighed," He told me he owned a small business just around the corner and asked me to play a game of poker with him."

Lavi raised an eyebrow but urged him to continue.

"The man didn't look too shady but he did give off this weird vibe but I figured I at least owed him a game of poker." Allen looked away. "I figured this time I wouldn't cheat him too bad out of courtesy. But as we began walking to his business I suddenly got a bad feeling. He turned around and attacked me. He said he was one of Cross's old business pals and he still had a debt to pay to him." Lavi giggled at this. The way that Allen talked with his hands so animatedly was amazing. He gave him a look to continue.

"Quit laughing, but anyways. Knowing my past experiences with having to deal with Cross's bullshit debts I froze and he gagged me. Next thing I knew I was tied up here trying to get someones attention and that's when you showed up."

Lavi whistled and applaud this story. "My my my Allen you never fail to get yourself caught up in something." He gave him a hand to get off the ground. " C'mon let's go find him and tell him that you are no longer in correlation with Cross Marian." Allen grabbed Lavi's arm. "No, we need to escape now. I've tried lying about it countless times and it just makes things worse."

Lavi looked at him closely, "Beansprout the man just tied you up. You want me to just let that go?"

"Yes please. Trust me it'll save us both a lot of trouble."

The redhead looked at him for a moment then sighed, "If that's what you want."

Allen reached for Lavi's hand and they began to look for an exit. The building was dark and looked abandoned. Chairs were shuffled and thrown around everywhere. Papers were flown around and creeks on every step. Allen gripped onto Lavi's hand a little bit tighter. "Don't tell me you're scared beansprout."

"Shut up. No I'm not its just chilly in here and your hand is warm."

Lavi began to smile at this,"Whatever you say." He let go of Allen's hand, which frightened him a bit. Then brought him closer by wrapping his arm around him."I'm warm right?" Allen's cheeks began to blush up but nodded his head in agreement.

"Just where do you think you're going? I still need my money and somebody's going to pay it." They stopped dead in their tracks and turned around. They looked at each other then back at the guy. "This is the guy that kidnapped you, Al?"

"Yeah he is but he's a lot shorter than I remember."

"And green?"


They kept looking at the man before them. He stood to Lavi's knees and looked up angrily at the both of them. "Don't tell me Cross had a debt to some dwarf."

Allen elbowed Lavi's chest. "That's not nice Lavi!"

"Look I'm still here!" The small green man looked at the both of them then directly at Allen. "Where's my money."

"Look sir, I don't have it. My master is very irresponsible and doesn't pay people back but if you want it back you're going to have to look for him. Hell it'll help us out if you find him." Allen stated.

The guy eyed him,"Master huh? Well then you'd be the closest person to find him then wouldn't you?"

"You would think so but not exactly. But when I find him I'll make sure to have him come back okay?"

"You swear to it?"

"Of course." He gave his biggest realistic smile and the small man.

"I'll give you 6 months and if he hasn't returned then I'm hunting you both down. Got it?"

The nodded their heads in agreement and rushed out of the building. As soon as they were out of earshot Lavi gave Allen a look like he was out of his mind. "How in the hell do you plan on getting THE Cross Marian back to this place in 6 months?"

"Easy, tell him theres free booze and women. He'll come running."

"Wow you both play each other pretty bad."

"Yeah well it's just how we work."

Lavi sighed and they walked back to their hotel.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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