Just me

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Why can't I be special? I mean why can't I have a talent, a motive, or maybe even a superpower... That would be epic. The only thing I find special about myself is my name. I won't make you guess what crazy name I could have but promise you won't laugh. My name is Terabithia and no I haven't read the book! But I have seen the movie many many years ago. So I kind of forgot what happens' but I remember one thing. Spoiler Alert! The girl dies. If you haven't seen the movie or read the book you are probably yelling at me for telling you, but I did warn you so... not exactly my fault. My mom then comes busting into my room seeming to slam my bedroom door open breaking my train of thought. I turn around and as soon as I look into her eyes I know I'm a goner.

"Terabithia, are you seriously watching the Avengers again?"

I turn to the TV realizing I am in fact watching "The Avengers". Was I really so caught up in my own thoughts that I forgot I was watching The Avengers? I mean who forgets their watching the Avengers! Or who forgets their watching a movie in general?

I turn to my mother looking her straight in the eyes and say "The Avengers are life".

My mother seemed to stare though me with her brown piercing eyes for what seemed like hours but in reality it was actually 13 seconds... from what I counted anyway. She then smiled in disbelief and shook her head and left the doorway.

"Mom can you close the door please?" I yelled because she seemed to have run halfway across the house already.

"You close it!" she yelled right back. How nice of my mother huh? I looked at the door willing to close it with my mind but it seemed to not be working... I wish it would. I mean could you imagine what I can do if I could do something like that. The door seemed to be a lifetime away, but I can do it. Can't I? I realized if I started crawling now I can make it back to the TV in time for the the Hulk to Smash Loki around FYI one of my favorite parts of the entire movie.

I rolled off my back and started off on my hands and knees. I felt a smile spread across my lips as I finally made it to my door. Believe it or not but in that moment I felt so accomplished. As you can tell by now I don't do a lot in my opinion. I was reaching for the nob as a figure appeared in the doorway, it was my brother Steve. His tall scrawny form barely took up any of the doorway. But that didn't mean his sudden appearance was any less frightening. I yelped and went stiff in the crawling position I was in with my hand in the air. I know I was a sight to see especially after I lost my balance and tipped to the side. Next thing I know I'm on my back with an ach centering from the back of my head with my legs in the air.

"I was just going to ask if you wanted me to shut the door for you..." Steve said staring down at me with a curious look on his face. So I responded with the first thing that came to my mind.

"Yeah, that would be greatly appreciated." I stuttered out while awkwardly smiling up at him.

"Well can you move so I can close it?" He asked trying not to laugh.

"Uh... sure." Was my lame reply as I finally got back to my knees and scooted back enough for him to close the door. But knowing me you know I can't be that simple and somehow knocked over the chair I use to sit at my vanity and hit myself in the head... again. Ladies and gentlemen I think I finally figured out how come I'm so crazy. I put the chair back in place while rubbing the back of my head.

"Your favorite part is on." Steve said as I turned to him with wide eyes watching as he slowly started to close the door with a red face as he looked like he was about to burst with laughter.

I'm so happy I didn't scream that time, I thought he had left already. But enough thinking about that I needed to watch my part. I crawled full speed to the TV when I heard Steve say "I swear if I didn't know you were 17 I would have thought you were an overgrown baby." I heard the door finally shut as I made it to the TV. While watching Hulk slam Loki all over the tower floor I thought of his statement and you know what? I couldn't agree with him more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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