The Runaway Princess

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"You did, little sweet Lucy."
Once upon a time, a princess was born. She had her mother's beautiful blonde hair and her father's bright blue eyes. On that day, the king and queen had thought their daughter was all they had hoped for, for they had not seen her yet. When they saw the midwife carry their baby daughter, the midwife handed the baby gently to the mother in sadness. They have yet not the slightest idea why the midwife's expression was opposite. They cried of joy once the queen held her daughter in her arms for the first time. But... When the queen took off the hood from her daughter's baby blanket, they cried in shock and sorrow just as the midwife left. They had never thought even once that their very first daughter would be born without a left eye... It looked like an empty hole. Not soon enough, the cloth was starting to get covered with even more blood than it was before. They panicked as soon as they realized that their baby was bleeding out. The baby cried and cried until she ran out of consciousness. The king and queen cried in sorrow and depression as they held their dead daughter in their arms. On the day of the burial, a miracle happened. The baby started to cry again. It came back to life. No one knows how. All they thought was it was a miracle done by God. They laughed in happiness until they cried tears of joy. But, there was a woman in a black hood and blood-stained shirt. She smiled as the king and queen praised God. For they never knew the truth. When the princess grew a little older, she told her parents that she would like to go out and play with the other children outside the castle. The king and queen denied her request to go outside. She asked why, but the king and queen walked away instead of answering. On that day, her vision of her future went black and dark. She could not even think of anything else. Her whole life, she had only looked upon the window seeing other people having their own happiness outside the castle. Every day she had done the same thing, and every time she would cry. She had always thought that her mother and father were imprisoning her in the castle waiting to see who'd save her. Her thoughts of a prince started to become dark. Her imaginations became brutal, bloody, and violent. As she looked upon the mirror for the first time, she saw that she didn't have her left eye. She placed her hand upon it feeling it's emptiness. "My left eye... Is just like me..." She said while smiling. "Dimmed, cold, and empty." She continued. She thought that her mother and father were keeping her isolated for only that, but it was not. One night, when she was staying up just looking upon herself in the mirror imagining her dimmed future, she heard an argument. She heard her father's scream echo through the hallways across her room. As she heard it, she crept to the door of her father's room. She looked upon the small gap on the door, and saw a man she had not met before, with her mother and father. As she looked upon her father's face, she noticed that he was disgraced. "Can we not take the curse off upon our daughters eye?!" The king exclaimed.  As she heard those words, she covered her left eye and smiled gently. "There is no way to take the curse off her eye. It is impossible." The man said. "A curse huh?" The princess said to herself. "If there is nothing we can do to dispel the curse, then what is it we can do to prevent it from having effect?" The queen asked. "There is one way..." The man said. "What shall we do?" The king asked. "You must never do anything to make her cry. Nor even sad." The man said. "If that is the case, why hasn't my 'cursed eye' taken effect?" She implied. She opened the door slowly and walked inside the room. She stood against the wall as she glanced upon the king and queen. "Are you saying that you have always felt sorrow?!" Her father exclaimed. She laughed at her father who had been crying. "Do not you see that you and mother have been imprisoning me my whole life and had me to watch upon another person's happiness from my window?" She said calmly. "Why do you speak as if you have no care for this?" The man said. "Why, you ask? Because I have been this way ever since my very own mother and father denied my freedom!" She exclaimed while looking at the king and queen with an angered expression. "No... We did not deny your freedom, Lucy!" The queen exclaimed. "Then I ask you mother, why have you imprisoned me my whole life?!" She shouted in anger. As she did, a storm began to brew upon the castle. Her anger sparked flames upon the forests and her grudge had brewed the lightning storm. "Why, mother, do you deny your own sin?!" She exclaimed at her mother. "Letting me sit alone by the corners of my room... Making me look at another person's happiness even if you never let me feel it, why have you imprisoned me only because of how I look?!" She exclaimed. She ran away as she did. The ground began to shake and the walls began to fall down. All of the people on the castle ran outside to the back lawn of the castle, as they thought they would be safe there. As they opened the gates, they noticed that everything began to be peaceful. They didn't notice that Lucy was hiding behind the bushes. "We are safe for now, at least." The king sighed in relief. Lucy laughed as she heard her father say so. She then stood up and revealed herself. When everyone saw her, Lucy was all covered in blood, her face, her hands, and her dress had blood splattered all over them. Lucy began to walk in front while looking down on the floor. "Why are you covered in blood, Lucy?" Her mother asked. "Don't call out my name!" She exclaimed in a demonic voice. "Lucy!" Her mother called out. "I said don't!" She exclaimed once more in a louder and stronger demonic voice. The ground started to shake again, the storm began to brew, and the fires were lighting up once more. "I thought that flames would be extinguished by water?" The king asked the man. "Yes... But these fires are no ordinary flames... They are flames from hell fueled from Lucy's grudge against you.. Her grudge must be strong..." The man replied. Lucy walked forward as she was looking at her father. Doors began to close shut, Windows began to break, and demonic voices began to shriek as she looked into her father's eyes. "Why couldn't you give me the freedom I wanted? Why couldn't you give me the love I needed?" She asked in a soft voice. "I... We... Gave you all the love you ever wanted!" Her father exclaimed. "No you didn't! Don't lie! You never even gave me the chance to---" Lucy exclaimed. Her eye began to turn and glow in bloody red color, her hair started to become black, and her her body began to burn. "Why...." Lucy asked her father. "Why couldn't I be free?! All I ever wanted was my own freedom... But why is it so hard to give it to me?" She asked. "We couldn't afford your power to go loose!" Her father explained. "I am not an animal!" She shrieked in anger as the flames burn stronger. She could no longer take it, so she stabbed her father so many times while screaming in anger. Then she fled off to massacre everyone who was in the castle. When she had finally wiped out everyone, all that was left was the castle and her. She bathed in the blood of so many people, but she felt rather good than bad. She laughed maniacally in happiness. "This is true happiness!" She said while laughing. "Bathing in the blood on people I bared grudge on... It feels great... I never felt this way before...." She added. She laughed and laughed until her throat bled and she coughed blood. "And this pain..." She said as a tear drop fell from her eye. "This pain is nothing like I had felt before!" She shouted to the sky. She cried after she screamed. She felt presence in her back. She turned around and saw a red figure. She wasn't shocked. She was rather happy to see that red figure. As she went nearer, she noticed that it had red wings and a smile on her face. As she got even nearer, the red figure was reaching its hand out. As she finally got close with the figure, the distortion stopped, and her vision clarified. It was so that she saw a demon before her very eyes. She looked at her hand finding it drenched in pure blood. Blood began do drip down from her hair, and she cried as she saw her dress. "What happened? What have I done?" She said while crying. The demon raised her right hand and pointed behind Lucy. She cried of shock and sadness as she saw he parents' bloody corpses lying along with all the other corpses. "Wh--who did this?" She asked while crying. "You did, little sweet Lucy." The demon whispered upon her ear and vanished in thin air. Lucy could not accept the fact that she had slain her own parents. She screamed and screamed until she coughed blood out of her throat and fainted. As she did, her eyes and hair reverted to its original state... And she felt warmth in her left eye. As she touched it, the hole was no longer there, and she had her left eye. She rushed to her room and looked upon the mirror. She saw her left eye. But it was not like the other. It was bloody red, just like herself, drenched in the blood of her family. The demon appeared once more behind her, "your eye resembles the crime you have done and the sin you have committed... At once, now I shall be a part of you...." The demon whispered. "The curse begins." The demon continued. She entered Lucy's left eye, and made Lucy feel pain. On that day, she had condemned herself in the castle continuing her destined fate, just to watch upon her window other people's happiness. She grew old doing just the same thing, until her last breath. "My curse now ends." Those were her last words. The demon fled and went off to find another host. She could not find one, so demon waited those years for Lucy's reincarnated body. Years have passed, and the time has come. Lucy's reincarnation was born, and there is yet another family to curse. The demon rushed and quickly entered the new host's body, and as soon as it happened, the left eye of the baby became blood red. As the midwife left, she laughed in insanity and ran in the rain. "My curse has once again begun!" The midwife said. "For I... Am the bride of lucifer, and every child I hold passes the destined curse." She continued.
The End.

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