Chapter 1

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I began walking home, snow flakes making a soft white blanket over everything. The snow flakes getting caught in my caramel brown hair, today was the worst day ever in America. Other people called it an amazing day to cleanse our souls as Americans, December 17th 2108.

I saw people put out the fake flowers as a support sign, the non wealthy were the main targets. The ones who couldn't afford lock down security systems, if you weren't high class you were fucked on this horrid day. My parents decided to go California to purge since it had a lot more population than Jericho, New York.

I used my EOS lip balm to make sure I didn't get chapped lips, once I got home I quickly locked down the house. I put my boots under my bed and my backpack on my desk chair, I went downstairs and cut a opening in a croissant and filled it with Nutella.

I put the Nutella filled pastry on a pan and heated it up to make it more smooth, put my snack on a plate and sat down at the counter with bar stools.  I grabbed my phone off of the counter and a fork and a knife,  I sat down and pressed shuffle on my playlist while scrolling through Facebook, Instagram and replying to stay safe texts while enjoying my snack.

I put my phone down and grabbed a cold Figi water out of the fridge, after I was done eating I washed up my few dishes and walked to the tv room. I turned on the tv and watched The Walking Dead until the tv screen went blue and the annual purge announcement started, they said the rules and class rankings.

The sirens went off signaling the purge has officially started.

Purge || Punk Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now