First Hour

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"Willow! Heads up!" Jason called. He hurled the football at me. I waited for the right moment before I snatched it out of the air and began running. Derek and Mike have been tag teaming me throughout the football course it's really annoying but you can't blame a guy for wanting to win at football.

"Go Mike come on!" His team was yelling. I saw him running after me out of the corner of my eye. I slowed down and tucked the ball into my stomach. Right when I felt his chest run into my shoulder I popped up and flipped him over my back and onto his. Derek slowed down but didn't stop and neither did I. I hoped right over Mike and kept sprinting. Derek had moved right in front of me trying to size me up I faked to the left and then shot past him to the right making a touch down.

"Yeah! Woooooo!" Jason was yelling as I threw the ball to the captain of the other team. I felt the adrenaline running from my toes to my fingertips. I loved that feeling. It could only make me dream of what it's like to run in wolf form. I gave my team high fives as we got set up for the next play.

"Black! Come here!" Coach Dolski yelled at me with his booming voice. I jogged over to him. He was starring at me with his dark brow almost black eyes. "What the hell was that?" He asked.

"A play." I said casually. He seemed to smirk for a small second but then his face went back to his scowl.

"I want you to think about trying out for football this year. I know it sounds ridiculous but I'm think about recruiting that Markie girl too. You two have showed the most skill in a five minuet play that I have ever seen in my gym class." He said almost pleading with me.

"I feel like I would just get sacked every game. Cause you know, I'm a girl and girls don't play football." I said trying not to sound mean.

"Just think about it Black. With training you could go a long way." He said getting back to the class.

They had already started a game so I just sat out that play until the other team scored.

"What did Dolski have to say?" Jason asked. Some other people crowed around us.

"He wants me to join the football team?" I said more like a question. He looked like he was about to laugh but he stopped himself other people, boys, laughed.

"No offense but just because you play good flag football doesn't mean you can handle a tackle." Jason said looking a little red. I laughed.

"Guys let's go!" Derek called. We all moved into our spots and then kicked into action.

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