Friday 10th June 2016

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Dear Dad,

Today was my first day back at school since you left me. It was hard for me to leave the crammed house without our traditional handshake with our crazy fist bumps. But I know somewhere in the sky, you were doing it with me while I did it in front of the mirror this morning (pretending that it was you). Then walking to school without our arms connected around each other, tore me apart. I started to wipe the memories that were streaming down my face. 

I finally reached school where I found my friends which I hadn't seen in a year. They were so kind and compassionate about the whole thing. I didn't cry though. I am a 'Brave Girl' as they call me. I wanted too, but they wouldn't understand. They wouldn't understand the pain of knowing I can no longer hear your voice or see your smile. All that's left with me is our memories and moments we shared together.  

Anyways, school was hard. Seems Fathers Day is coming up, that's our theme for this week - what fun. I never knew what it was like to be strong until that was the only option. We had to draw a picture of what our Dads look like. So, I drew a picture of you, as a star in the sky! You were the brightest, most friendliest star, which never faded in the day time. And that's how I see you. The star that's always with me. 

Missing you Dad! 
Love Kathryn (your daughter) Xx

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