chapter 2

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 hello, how's everyone? sorry for the long wait. i won't be updating for the rest of the week. this is not edit. enjoy.



Vanessa POV

  "Nessa?" someone said my name. but i couldn't figure who, my mind was on the later that i read a few seconds ago.

      "Vanessa, what's wrong?"

"mommy, are you ok?"


              "Vanessa, another pack asking to join us." sounds around me. i look down at the letter in my hand reading it again. then back to the people in the room with me. forcing a smile, hoping they don't understand the meaning behind it i look at all of them. "nothing," they still look at me. "it's because of the rogue attacks." i took in a deep breath. " they were attack about four months ago, and they got a letter they will be attacking again." i told them. worry looks cloud their faces.

 "what pack is it?" ask Tiffany standing.

" it's the cloudgreek pack."

          "cloudgreek" they all gasp. i didn't have to explain anything to them since they already know. they didn't say anything, they wait for my response. i know if i should decline the offer they would stand by me, but i couldn't. if the rogue should attack them and win there was no doubt they would come after us too. even thou we were one of the strongest packs in the world. i should take any assistance to make sure we win this war. "gather everyone, meeting in ten" i told them, before turning back to my room. i may be hurt and angry for what they did to me but i'm not a bitch. my mate and family was in that pack. if they didn't die in the pass attack. i took up the phone instead of writing. my heart beat like a drum. i Dial the number, my palms feel sweaty for some reasons. i wonder if they would recognize my voice.

            "hello?" someone answer on the first ring. i inhale. i know that voice.

"hello?" the person said, but i couldn't speak, it was him! my mate. what should i do?

Alejandro POV

  I was in the kitchen making a sandwich when the phone ring. i was able to answer on the first ring. "hello," i greet. nothing. i frowned. it wouldn't be a prank call would it, or one of... "hello?' i asked again. the person didn't answer but i could hear the breathing. " look, i don't know who-" i began in a irrated voice but  was cut off.

    "is this alpha Merri?" the voice asked. a woman, i frown as shivers run through me. what the hell?

"alpha Merri, is not in right now. this is the beta." he said.

"ok." the voice said. almost breathless. once again shivers went up my spine and down again. who was this woman? and why was she making me feel the way... the way.. my mate makes me feel.  a man he haven't seen in over five years. "who's calling?"

        "this is alpha of MystikRed" a smile form on my lips. they got the letter my brother sent to them a week ago. it was the closest pack we had since another pack die jut months ago. the MystikRed was know for being fierce, Strong, powerful and deadly in battle. they had the best fighters. i open my mouth to ask her since when a woman was alpha of the famous MystikRed pack. but i close it. it would be sexist and if i remember correctly, Daniel my brother did say that the original alpha step down and gave the title to one of his daughters, and the other beta.

      "it's consisting about the letter i got this morning about wanting to join my pack." she said. i nod as if she  could see it. i help my breathe too. would she reject us? a past member of our pack was the cause of many of the downfall of a lot of packs across the US. i clench my fist to my sides. if i ever get my hands on the bastard i would kill him for what he did to the packs and what he and my ex-mate did  five years ago. "my answer.." the alpha went on. "... is yes. MystikRed welcomes you." a big grin spread across my face. i felt like thrusting them in the air. with MystikRed, we would win for sure. "you can let your alpha know this. how many members in your pack is alive sir?" my smile fades. once we over a hundred, now only sixty two remains. most of who are injure and old.

        "sixty two ma'ma." the woman didn't say anything. he wonder if she hang up.

"once again the MystikRed welcomes you and your pack family. when should we be expecting you?"

"by the end of week." i didn't get to finish before i heard the Dial tone.i look at the phone. my mind wondering who it was? well one thing i do know, after listening to her heavenly voice i needs a cold shower.

       Vanessa POV

after my phone call with Alejandro i took deep breathes to calm my racing heart and a towel to dry my sweaty hands. i can't believe after five years and his rejection he still able to make me feel a live. feelings i bury when surfacing. only him, he is my mate. no matter how much he thinks of me... i still love him. i made my way to the meeting room. every member of the pack was there. new born and the elderly. conversation shops as soon as i step inside the  room. they all gave me their full attention with loving smiles. i return the gesture..

       "ok," i tookd a deep breath. "i've call you all today because we have a pack joining ours." they didn't speak out but listen. "the cloudgreek pack" that's when the chatter starts. i knew they didn't have anything against other packs beside this pack. the one that exile me.

   "are you sure about this?"

           "but they exile you."

"are you prepare for this?"

           and others statements sound in the room. i raise my hand silencing them. "they need our help and we need them too. we need to win this war." they nod. "i'm past what they did to me and you should too." some nods. "after this war, we part ways." more nods. "so i expect everyone to welcome them with welcome arms. we will be training them as soon as they reach." once again, more nods. by the looks on someone of their faces i knew they didn't like the idea. they are every protective of their alpha. me. i smile. "besides, i'm sure that someone of the members would be your mates." again the chatter starts but i could only smile. "they will be here by the end of the week. meeting dismiss." they elder left first, soon the meeting room was almost empty, leaving me, my family, Brad and his brother Paul.

          "are you sure, prepare for this Nessa?" asked Brad. for the first time since reading the letter i made my true feelings how. sadness, hurt, anger, loneliness, with excitement and nerviness. "no, no i'm not."


how do you like this? sorry if i was boring, i rush it because i want to get everything on the right path. like, vote, comment. fan.

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