Too Fast

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Dear little ones,

Take your time to grow old.

Because when they come,

And the years pass by.

If yu grow too fast

There will be no past.

Nothing worth living for.

Nothing we want to see.

There will be,

Just yu and me.

Hidden deep within

The dread of the past.

Hidden by the thoughts

Of regret for living too fast

Growing too fast, past

The ones yu loved

The ones yu have lost

Because of yur fast moving

Pace away from this earth.

So, with that,

My little voice of advice

Says to yu, live slowly,

walk one step a day.

Make yur life something

Free of regret. Something

Worth looking back on.

Worth taking pictures of.

Never more should

Yu grow too old

too fast

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2011 ⏰

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