Chapter 5

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The next day
"Ohayōgozaimasu!" Mama said
Waking me up
UGHHH, it's 6am I have school but for some reason I'm not as excited as I thought I was I-in fact I'm really nervous...
Mama left for me to get changed
My uniform looks actually pretty cute
*look at the picture at the top of the chapter*
After I got changed I grabbed an apple from downstairs and sat in the living room until a box caught my eye on the coffee table.

The label on the box said
Emiko Ayame.

I tore open the box and stared at it in amazement as in the box it was non other than a phone of my very own.
It was an iPhone 5s Gold.
"Nice" I said
Mama came downstairs not long after and told me that it was delivered just recently, then we left the house my mother looking smart as ever in her new uniform...
This is my new life and this couldn't get better...

When I got to the gates of the school I made my way inside so I could find where I get my schedule after 10 minutes of searching i finally  found the office where the principle was
The tag read
'Nasura Haratá'
"H-hello?" I spoke entering his room, he swivelled his chair around.
"Ah! Emiko, right?" He asked, I nodded
"I-I'm here for my schedule" I spoke
"Ah yes" he said placing what looked like my schedule, on the desk.
I took it and bowed in thanks and left the room.

Walking through the yard of the school I got some kind looks of some girls, until I walked past a boy, he turned and saw me looking at him, I turned my head and covered my face with my schedule.
I heard him laugh...
I removed the schedule from my face and saw him in ground of me with his hand out..
"I-I'm Kinoshi" he said waiting for me to shake his hand.
"Emiko" I said shaking his hand.
He smiled rubbing the back of his head "well I'll see ya around Emiko" he said smiling then walking away...

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