Chapter 1: Miami High

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Laura Marano P.O.V:

A whole new year starting of with a cool summer breeze is always kinda exciting, but this year it's extra special. It's not just any new school year, it's my senior year. I step out of my car and take a look at the big amount of buildings in front of me. Time has gone by so fast, it seemed like yesterday I was freshman. I look around and see a few young teens entering the school in little groups, being united filled with excitement and frightened to death. I feel sorry for them but I now they will be okay in just a while.

So much has changed over the summer, the walls of the buildings are painted white again, the grass is shorter, this kind of things happen every year but most of all things have changed for me. My sister isn't here anymore to stand by me, she graduated last year and has started college. I'm gonna miss her, not that we hung out often during school but we drove together and we shared a lot of stories. Luckily I still have my best friend: Raini Rodriguez. I know her since kindergarten, and the two of us have been friends ever since. She's quite sassy, spontaneous and a good laugh. I tell her everything, we don't have secrets for each other. The foundation for every good friendship.

I'm wearing a white skater dress with Spaghetti straps and a little lace in the middle, black wedge sandals and my blue jeans printed backpack. I picked out a white dress because it symbolizes a fresh, new start. You probably think I'm totally insane, I mean which girl chooses to wear a dress that symbolizes something? She totally lost her mind. Well you can think all you want, it's just a part of me not much people really get. Raini doesn't really, but she accepts it. And I'm thankful enough for that!

I inhale a few times and absorb some sun. Waiting for Raini to come. She is always late. Or as she says: 'just in time', she finds I'm always her too early... 

She doesn't agree with how I see school: for me school is like a really cool way to get in touch with a lot of people and at the meantime also learn new things and explore a whole new world. I'm very excited for the new classes to start. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? It's not like I'm a geek or anything, I just love school. Raini would probably say I am a geek... In her opinion school is a waste of time, boring and other words I rather not say. Even though this is all in my head and nobody hears it... Okay skip that last part. 

Marano, you are having a conversation with yourself again.

I am so not.

You are though.

Who are you to say such things?!

Euhm, let me think. Does the name Laura Marano ring a bell.

"Shit I am having a conversation with myself!" "Excuse me?" A voice behind me says. I pale, there's someone standing behind me. And shit have a really said those last words out loud? Common Laura think of something believable to say. I turn around to say something but I'm totally stunned when I see Ross Lynch standing in front of me. For those who don't know Ross Lynch, first be ashamed and second he is like the cutest boy on this school. He is a popular basketball player, is in a band with his brothers called R5 and has amazing blonde hair, perfect teeth, pretty muscled, in short extremely handsome. And I - Laura Marie Marano - had a crush on him for the past four years. But he never noticed me, of course not I'm not quite popular. And now - after a few years - he does see me, talking to myself, being a complete fool. But ha at least he has seen me. No screw that, I rather had him not seeing me.

He is wearing a simple red shirt, blue ripped jeans and black converses. Totally his style and I don't know anyone who can rock it as much as he does.

I don't know how long I'm staring into his eyes but it's probably way too long. I'm hypnotized, alarm alarm I can't think clearly anymore. But when it even starts getting awkward for me I look down. Shit he must feel REALLY awkward. I observe his tells and I can see he's really awkward about this situation. Probably regretting having even spoken to me. Okay Laura, last shot. Just act cool, you can do it girl. "Yes I can do it" the moment I speak out those words I immediately regret. I said it out loud again, of course I did. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just-" I start but look away. I'm just what huh! What am I gonna say? I'm sorry I'm just a little bit crazy, hope you don't mind, see you later? And give him a flirty look? No I don't think that's a good idea. "You're new?" he asks and I'm completely shocked. So he doesn't know me? He has never seen me before? We're in school together for over four years you would think you have seen everybody by now... But the most surprising of all: he hasn't ran away as fast as he could, he's still talking to me. It could be just a polite talk, I know I shouldn't make such a big deal out of it but still the fact that he keeps on talking proves he isn't scared away by my craziness. On the other hand he is Ross Lynch, he's probably used people acting this way around him...

"I actually go here for over three years..." It's his turn to look away a little embarrassed. Damn-it, he is so cute. "So it's your Senior year to, right?" he asks hoping I will forget about his fault. I nod: "Yeah, so exciting" "I have to go but I hope to see you around" he gives me a smile and walks away towards his friends of the basketball squad. In my head I keep on repeating the last part of the sentence: I hope to see you around.

"Hi miss Marano, how ya doing?" I hear a voice saying which snaps me back into reality. "Was that Ross Lynch, as in THE Ross Lynch, standing here talking to you?!"

I hope to see you around.

As cool as possible I say: "Yes" "Ross Lynch as in the guy you have a crush on since kindergarten?" she says exciting and a quite shocked.

I hope to see you around.

I nod and shrug. I don't want her to see how much he impressed me and how hard it is to get him out of my mind now that he's in here.

"Thought you would be a little more excited, though" she says scanning precisely my face. If only you knew.

She let go of the subject and started telling about her vacation and a summer boy named Marcel or something... But while she kept on going on about that subject, in my mind the conversation with Ross kept on playing over and over again.

I hope to see you around.

I didn't think much about the part where he has never noticed me before and mostly think about the last sentence. Ross Handsome Lynch hopes to see me again, which is quite the same as he WANTS to see me again. A new year couldn't have started better than this. I hope this was a sign the rest of the year would be as good!

Raura: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now