Chapter 2: Social Status

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Ross Lynch P.O.V:

"I'm so thrilled this is our last year" Liam says giving me a high five. Liam has brown hair and green eyes, he always wears pretty expensive clothes and cares a lot about his look. This way he want to score as many girls as possible. He's a real flirt, barely has a girl for over a week. He threats them like crap and I honestly doesn't know how come he still gets all those girls to like him. He could be a real jerk sometimes. But he could be a good friend, too. Sometimes... He's our team captan and his life motto: 'Winning with the squad is better than anything. Squad comes first.' I don't agree with the first part, I think having fun is the best thing not just the winning. But the second part is true, I mean family comes first right and this team is my family. As simple as it can be.

Our squad exists of 11 boys, five of them are here now. Liam Gane, Daniel Foster, Luke Gane, Jesse McClimb, Calum Worthy and of course me. Daniel is the largest of all, he is quite sportive and surprisingly flexible. He used to dance but his dad decided it was better for hem to start playing basket. I'm sorry for him, but he's actually really good. He changed over the past four years, he used to be nice and quiet, but lately since he became closer with Liam he is louder and mean to people who aren't as popular as we. I hate how things change like that...

Luke is Liam's brother he's two years younger and looks up to his brother, he has dark blonde hair and blue eyes, he's a little goofy and loves animals. In his free time he does works voluntary in an animal shelter. Today he's wearing a grey shirt with the drawing of a dog on it. Jesse has brown hair, quite curly and brown eyes. He is the most silent one of us. He doesn't talk much about himself. He transferred here two years ago from Canada. He is a natural, so I'm glad he is in our team. He's definitely gonna get a scholarship for a good university this year. Last but definitely not least, we have Calum. He is my best friend ever since kindergarten. He is quite special, with his ginger hair and clothes that are very rare. Sometimes the boys don't understand it and make fun of him. I get so angry when they do that! Just because Calum dresses a little different doesn't mean you have to make him into a laugh. I respect how Calum can be so cool about it all. If I was him I would've kicked the crap out of them, even if they are my team. I have to be careful though, they don't know I think about it that way. I'm sure you won't believe me when I say that sometimes it really SUCKS to be in the basketball squad... But that doesn't stop me from loving it and keep on playing...

"Totally!" I say laughing. I'm glad to see my boys back, I mean of course I have seen them during the summer break but it's just good to know we are gonna play in the same team again. I'm happy the season is gonna start again. Our last season... It all seems so surreal!

I hope my family doesn't mind I have less time to practice with the band now. I'm in a band with my brothers - Riker, the eldest and kinda our leader, he plays the bass and Rocky who plays first guitar -, my sister Rydel - who plays the keyboard - and family friend and also Rydel's boyfriend Ellington Ratliff, who plays the drums. He came back to replace Ryland our younger brother who stopped with the band a few years ago. I'm the lead singer and I also play second guitar. We call ourself R5, I think it's pretty obvious why. During the summer we played some gig's and it was really amazing. We were starting to get popular around Miami. A dream come true. Me and my brothers write most of the songs.

My boys from the team support me as long as basketball comes first and I swear I won't let them down. Though music is something that brings out the best of me, it gives me wings so I sorrow through the air without falling. I don't tell this to them though.

I've always been into music but lately I keep on wondering if there is a future in it, too. I love performing with our band, maybe if we got a record deal... But that hasn't happened yet so I have to focus on other things, too.

Suddenly my mind goes back to a few minutes ago when I met this adorable girl. I have never seen her before, though she is not new. Quite bizarre. You would've thought you would've seen everyone by now, how could it be this attractive girl hasn't catched my eye yet? I wonder where she is into. She seems really smart, a little awkward but that's cute! I wish I knew her name.

"Ross, why were you talking to that girl over there though? I saw you, do you know her?" Daniel asks, damn my friends saw me? Not that I'd done anything wrong, they just take the whole classes thing a little too serious if you ask me. They think it's bad to, for example go out with someone who's not popular. So in their opinion I could only date cheerleaders, no thank you. I made that mistake once... Okay maybe a couple of times.

"She asked me something..." I answer innocent. I don't want them to know I started talking to her. They won't understand. "Geez, I just hate how girls beneath our rank dare to ask us questions" Liam says and Daniel nods in agreement; The rest of us is quiet. I change looks with Calum, I know he doesn't think the same way. Liam, Luke and Daniel start talking about some silly subject. I don't interfere in the conversation and neither does Calum. I know he's looking at me but I avoid his look. It might sound silly but I'm afraid he will judge me for thinking about a girl I just met...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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