Suspicions Pt 2

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I peep in there and i see August on top of another woman.. I instantly break down but then i remember im stronger than that..August boutta see another side of me.. I bust in there and they automatically stop ...

August: baby i can explain
Me: you dont need to explain nothing to me so shut the fuck up august dont say a got damn word and yo little bitch ass can stay where tf you at
Hoe: who you calling a bitch bitch
Me: im calling you a bitch hoe you dont know who the fuck you talking to you dont know me lil bitch why you trynna talk like you all big and bad honey you aint doing shit now come again

She doesnt say anything she quiet like a bitch so i turn around and start to transform my eyes turn red my fangs come out and i turn invisible.. They wondering where tf i am so i grab the bitch and slang her acroos the room and throw the bitch out the window but naked... I get behind august and blow on his neck making him his little ass scared

August: babyy im sorry now can you come from where you are
Me: nopee i cannot ima teach you a lesson .. You fucked around on the wrong one August you dont know what you got yourself into but on the count of three im going to come out
August: i messed up im sorryyyyyyy
Me: 1..........2...........3..... I come out but know im a black shadow with orange eyes
August: babyy is that you
Other me: nopeee shes gone my name is Layla and im about to make your life a living hell
August: im scared noww baby wherever you are im so sorry
Layla: shes gone bye bye auggie its just me and you

I start throwing things at him then i grab him and swing him like a fan i hold him upside down as i ride him down the flat walkway i throw him in the tub as i fill it with blood...

August:: crying... Where did all this blood come from .. Baby come back im so sorry ill never do it again i promise... Ik you just trynna scare me it worked baby i learned my lesson i love you so much
Layla: didnt i fucking tell you she is gone now you testing me huh ok i got you

So as i tun into my other self her name is Temper .. This part of me is a not to fucking messed with but he tested me so im gonna give it to him

Temper: you fucking wanna play ok lets fucking play
August: screamss who is that
Temper: its me bitch my name is Temper and we bout to play a fucking game you then started some shit now

As i take him out the bath of blood i put him into the washer and turns it on once its done i throw him in the dryer.. So after that i take him outside naked and walk him around the neighborhood...nobody can see me but him so imagine it.. He gone be embarrassed for the rest of his life so i take him inside and put him back in the tub with it full of spiders and worms

August: ahhhhhhhh get me out of hereeeee
Temper: nope sorry cant do that and you cant get out until she wants you out .. Goodbye and enjoy

I return back to normal

Me: im back missed me.. And you only seen those to i got more
August: babyy im sorry i fucked up i know but ill make it up to you i promise ill do any and everything im so sorry and i mean it
Me: August we taking a break we need to im sorry but as of right now we are so done until i contact u which will be a long time but youll be good

I take him out and make the worms and spiders disappear i start packing his stuff as he puts his clothes on

Me: bye august this gone be yo last time to see and be with me cause when i wake up in the morning i want you gone
August: babyyyyy dont do this i cant live without you i cant pleaseeee baby we can work this out
Me: August nooo sorry maybe later on in life if you change.. And btw im pregnant with your baby .. You can come when i give birth and when its your turn to spend time with her/him
August: omg baby im sorry i didnt knoww ughh i messed up baby ima get better
Me: mhmm ok August goodnight im tired
August: goodnight 😭😭😭😭😭

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