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Grunts and sounds of effort rung out around the training pit. Two boys sparred with iron swords; swinging and slashing at padded and armored flesh.

A young lady watched on. The sunlight shone on her dark brown hair and green cotton dress; it was rather hot but she'd much rather be watching the boys than be where she was suppose to be. Her lessons were far less exciting and she couldn't stand to listen to another old poem.

The taller of the boys slashed at the shorter and with a quick combination managed to send the shorter boy's sword clanging to the sandy ground of the training pit; the fight was over.

The taller of the boys took off his helmet and shook out his dark brown hair; he was her brother, Lord Stryker of House Wyck as noble looking as everyone said. Tall and brave and good on the eyes. His dark brown hair fell in tumbles of soft curls and his green eyes mimicked their mothers. Many mooned over him; the lady was certain.

The second boy reached for his fallen sword and afterwards pulled off his helmet; now this boy made her heart lurch. He was not as tall as her brother but tall in comparison to her; he had sandy blond hair that cascaded down into his doe like brown eyes. He was Ser Xavier of Ballot and in her eyes he was a knight modeled after the old songs and poems she read; young, brave, pure and handsome. Oh so handsome.

"There you are, Storm" The gentlest of voices interrupted the young lady's thoughts.

The lady turned to face her elder sister; Lady Chloe. She was tall with and held elegance to her step that Storm never seemed to be able to master. With tumbles of dark wavy hair that passed her breasts and blue eyes so blue they made  the summer sky over head envious. 

She was by birth Lord Stryker's twin yet in truth they shared little to no similar features. 

A prized student, a doll with their mother and the perfect Lady. It was all very loathsome. 

"Hello" Storm greeted barely drawing her attention from the knight who was now exchanging words with her brother.

"You missed your lessons this afternoon" Chloe told her "Marie and mother were looking for you; obviously not very hard"

Storm managed a smile. Marie was her tutor in all subjects; arts, poetry, politics, music, dance and etiquette; she was painfully boring and strict. Storm could picture her hobbling around Castle Wyck with a scorn expression on her tiny, pinched face.

"Mother would like to speak with us" Chloe continued after a moment of silence.

"Why?" Storm asked.

"I'm unsure"

"All of us?" Storm inquired looking back at Stryker in training pit.

"Yes, even Thomas"

Thomas was the youngest of the Wyck children at the age of fourteen years. He usually spent his days admiring knights from history and stories. He wanted to be one of them; Storm was sure.

"Shall we go then?" Storm asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes we shall" Chloe nodded "I'll grab our knight of a brother" she laughed and walked to the training pit.

Storm watched her approach the training pit, using her to quickly steal, secretive glances at Ser Xavier. He was a year her senior but she felt truly childish and small around him; he held so much power that even if their eyes met Storm would blush.

Afterward a few moments of speaking Chloe continued back to Storm with Stryker trailing behind. Storm quickly dragged her eyes from Ser Xavier in fear of being caught. Though Ser Xavier was a loyal knight sworn to her father, her parent's would never allow the match; she was a high born lady and her mother and father wanted high born children and a strong alliance with a strong House.

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