Chapter 1 first day

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Summer is just over and the new year on mackendrik prep start . A lot off new kids . A lot off new girls and boy .
Corki- Finley ,summer is over back with the new fresh year i can't wait for the first class.

Jodi- why so happy Corki ? Summer whas great i wish one more .

Sunhi-  I agree with Jodi but i can't wait to see Linc back ,wait he is not commming.

Jodi- Have one off  you seen caleb ? I want talk to him.

Corki-No not jet , you i hope u find him.

"Jodi gets a call"
"MissMapa- hi sweetie "
"Jodi-hi mom why do you call?"
"MissMapa-just for saying youre sister is comming be nice to her please ,thats all i want to say."
"Jodi-Wait. What is Jessi comming? This day get worst ."
"MissMapa-jodi be nice bye"
"Jodi-bye mom"

Sunhi-Why are u so sad at once Jodi?

Jodi - Cause Jessi is coming and i don't want she comes cause she is anoying.

Corki-Who is Jessi ?

Jodi- My little sister ,the most anoying kid ever.

Sunhi-U have a sister ? Why dit u never told us ?

Corki-Sunhi is right for once why dit u never told us?

Jodi -Cause  I dont like her . I know her almost my hole life so its the most Anoying sister ever.

Sunhi- I think Sunmi is cause we are a twin and thats even not better.

Caleb walk is girls room

Caleb-hi guys about what are you talking?

Sunhi-Jodi's little sister.

Jodi-Why dit u tell Sunhi?

Caleb-Jodi  you have a sister? Can i meet her ? How old is she ? Whats her name?

Corki-Caleb to mutch quastions!

Jodi-Its  okay Corki ,Caleb yes u can she is 14 and her name is Jessi .

Caleb-Thanks guys i am going to go to look at the new girls , i mean people bye.

Corki-Caleb wait i come with you, and girls?

Corki and Caleb walk out the room

Sunhi- Jodi what's wrong between u and Caleb , u almost havent talk to him this summer ?

Jodi- Nothing Sun hi.

Sunhi-Whats wrong?

Jodi- I said  NOTHING!!!

Sunhi-okay then , but if u stil like him tell him Jodi thats the best.

Jodi -Since when u know so mutch about break up's Sun hi?

Sunhi- I dont know.

In the hall with Caleb and Corki

Corki- so mutch new people, wow.

Caleb- Yes, so mutch new girls ... And boys .

Corki-Caleb whats wrong ? Do you want a new girl friend?

Caleb-No i want jodi , but she like Darmala so , i search just a new girl.

Corki-okay i go talk to my father now ,bye.

Caleb - Okay bye

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