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The beginning ...
Ari's POV :
Hi, I'm Ariana. The tiny girl with the big voice. Yes, I sing. I don't talk to anyone in school like literally ANYONE, well except my bestfriend of course. His name is Nathan. He's one of the popular kids. I'm not. I'm more of those quiet kids, not shy, but I don't talk to anyone else. Anyways back to Nathan, I've known him since third grade & we've been best friends ever since. I've never had a boyfriend, & I probably never will, but that's okay because I don't have time for a boyfriend. I'm getting ready for hell oops I mean school right now, I always bring my iPhone & earphones (of course) to listen to music since you know, music is my life. So as I'm walking up the school hallways, people talk as I walk by as always, who knows what they're saying about me. So I continue walking and I see Nathan. I run and jump on his back.
"Heyyyyy!" I say with a wide grin

He chuckles, "Hey Ari, by any chance did you finish last night's chemistry homework?"

"Hahahah of course not, you know that I don't do homework, but I ace all of my quizzes like a piece of cake that's why my teachers don't even bother anymore." I said matter of factly feeling proud of myself

Nathan's POV :
Of course. Haha typical Ariana. She doesn't do any of her work because she's constantly listening to music, watching music videos, & writing new songs that she doesn't share to the world, unfortunately. End Of POV.

*the last bell rings*

Ariana's POV :
So I said goodbye to Nathan, he had to go work on a project with this one girl who is literally obsessed with him. Poor Nathan got paired up with her. Anyways, I have to stay to clean the rooftop of the school, which in other words is detention. :( Yup, I get detention everyday for not doing my work. (lol oh well) I think it's completely unneccessary because I ace all of my tests. So I decide to just sit for a while & watch music videos on my phone. But something popped up, it says " Ari, queen of music, are you ready to sign this contract to conquer every guy with your beautiful voice and words?" I started luagiing so hard, I decided to have fun with this since it was a joke I wanted to see what would happen so I pressed the little check mark & pressed send. Was that it? I rolled my eyes, if this was a prank it'll could've atleast been a good one. But then ... Out of thin air... I see an explosion (like literally a freaking explosion!) & a guy starts walking towards me. What ...the hell just happened?!?!

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