Chapter Two

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 I stayed up all night texting with Jay. Even though I was extremly tired, I could'nt just leave Jay here with no one to talk to about his problems. It's not fair to him. I mean, he didn't do anytyhing wrong. Or at least from what I know from his side of the story. Even though his relationship made me jelouse, I was still going to be the bigger person and help him through it. Sometimes, I even asked about it, just to see where it was heading to. Most of the time, he wasn't happy with it. It always made me want to question him on why he was still with her.

 "I can't just leave her like that. I love her. I really do. But sometimes..." is the only response I would really get. He's not the type to come out and spell out what he's feeling. But if he would, it would be alot easier for me to help him, but insted, he shuts himself down.

 I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I was yawning about every ten minutes. I wanted to tell Jay that I was too tired to keep texting, but he always makes me smile. I'd hate to miss out on the times i actully got to share with Jay. Now that he has a girlfriend, it just seems like he has no time for me anymore. And it always makes me feel like the third wheel, which doesn't feel fair to me.

 Sure me and Jay still have good times and share some laughs, but not like we used to.  I had the feeling that reality really just hit, right into my chest, causing it to be hard for me to take a breath.

 I realized I had accidently dozed off when my phone buzzed again with a bright white screen.  I rubbed my eyes from the burn of the screen. It was from Jay. I opened up the text to read, " You asleep?" I responded with a simple answer of, "Not really."

 I did but I didn't want to talk to Jay at the same time. I wanted to talk to Jay because he made me happy and was simply just a fun guy to talk to. However, I didn't want to talk to him because, secretly, he's caused me a lot of pain. All of the hot and cold business was beginning to me too much on me. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to tolerate it. I wanted to be with Jay. But the real question was, does he want to be with me?


 I woke up the next morning to the sun shinning through my window. I sat up and stretched while reaching for my phone that somehow got down to the foot of my bed. I unlocked my phone and saw I had four unread messages. Three from Maria and one from Jay. I decided to hold off on Jay's text for a moment and focus on Maria insted.

 When I opened up the texts, I realized that either something bad has happened, or she was just excited. Text one: Are You Awake? Text two: Hello? This is extremly important!  And text three: TEXT ME BACK NOW!

 I texted her back telling her I was here and wanted to know what it was that was so important. I got out of bed to start combing my hair when my phone buzzed right away. It startled me, causing my to drop my hair brush on my toe.

 "Ugh. Thanks Maria," I complained as I grabbed my phone. This time she was calling. I answered.

 "Hello?" I questioned.

 "It's about time your awake! Look, we really need to talk!" she spoke quickly and franticlly.

 "Well good morning to you,too. What's wrong?"

 "Jay. You'll never believe what happened."

 "Probally not. Whats wrong with him? Is he okay?"

 "Oh please. He's fine. But I can tell you this, It done. It is totally over!"

 "What are you talking about?"

 "D-O-N-E!" she spelled out.

 "I dont understand. Whats done?"

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